Quality of life

BrendaHenry Member Posts: 23 Member

The last time I posted, I tried to address the topic of quality of life. I wrote about spending quality time with loved ones, friends, and others that we care about. My family helps to keep my mind active. Staying mentally alert and living in the same world as everyone else makes me feel like I am accomplishing something . I feel this way because it takes a lot of careful thought and planning to try to live comfortably in our country right now. The economy is really bad. My family helps to keep me apart of what's going on in this country economically. If your mind is exploring and being active, your body will want to move as well, do things, be physical. A third thing that I do is take time to meditate on God's word. I read the Bible and I talk to God about things in my life. I pray to God. After I've done this, I have my dinner and find something enjoyable to watch on television. I might also play a few games of spade on my phone. I reflect on my day and before you know it I've fallen asleep.