Help sos

maggiemay420 Member Posts: 3 Member

I'm so lost so I was hoping I could find someone who know my position I lost my dad Easter Sunday and my uncle Eddie 6 days after my mom was diagnosed with lung cancer may 1 after her er visit for her knee was swollen April 27th the seen a tumor on her lung that's was the size of a great fruit so just that month was so devastating But God gave me my Old high school friends Kris he had leukemia as a kid and beat cancer both of his parents had lung cancer and passed his dad recently so he was very helpful July I saved up everything I had and got my life in order to take care of my mom September I quit my job and prepare for my job Kriss sister called me and told me Kis sat in his Dad's chair last night and shot himself ... he took his own life i felt like i was drowning i couldnt focus and brought my mom home to care for her I fought everyday from July trying to get her care or treatment only thing we could do was go to the er no Dr not even MD Anderson would help us we got her biopsy August 7th on my birthday telling us her lung cancer started out Squanama cell carcinoma skin cancer so it had spead more bad news no Dr no treatment she went to her bestie house in September who paid out of pocket for 2 Dr visits Then she took her to Baylor and Dallas where we got her in the emergency room. They did a pet scan. Where we found out cancer was in every organ and every bone in her body. Still not treatment or no pain relief from cancer she was fighting the past 4 to 6 years that had spread through her entire body I heard my momma cry and pray to God every day for pain relief and I couldn't do anything so at the end of September she started hospice the day after she started they gave her full blow Medicade I was going to get paid to be her full time aid and her next check would cover a few bills and Oct 17th my mom took her last breath after I opened her disability letter giving her full benefits she never got her check my bills didn't get paid and I paid for the full cremation and service all by my self I literally have nothing my stove even went out right before Thanksgiving but I haven't given up I stated the family dollar today but my life is slowly draining I'm about to lose everything if u know anyone who knows anything about Christmas miracles I would greatly appreciate it