Follow ups after surgery

Just diagnosed w endometrial cancer caught early stage1A1 had my surgery which went very well and now just have the every 3-4 month check for reoccurrence, my first coming up next month. My gyn/onc said I could follow up w my regular gyn whom I have a appt w the month after. Im at the nervous stage of “what if its back”. Other than a internal exam what else is done to watch for this. Im sticking w my gyn/onc for this 1st visit and was wondering if others w a low stage went w their regular gyn if the specialist said it was fine.


  • Forherself
    Forherself Member Posts: 1,032 Member

    Welcome gator25. I was early stage 6 years ago. I return yearly now to the UofW for follow up with a NP in my gynecological oncologists office. I like to return to their office because I have a rare form of serous carcinoma and there is no set treatment for it. They learn from retrospective studies That is seeing how different treatments succeed in preventing recurrence.

    At your exam you will have a history taken. Any new pains, any weight loss, any bleeding vaginally, any difficulty breathing. You will have your abdomen palpated for any lumps. And you will have a rectal exam to feel for any lumps too. They should have told you some of the things to look out for that indicate a recurrence.

  • gator25
    gator25 Member Posts: 3 Member

    thank you for responding and letting me know what to expect. I think I will feel less anxious when I have that 1st 4month F/U. Its the worry of it reoccurring that sticks in the back of my mind. Im fortunate mine was not a rare form and pretty straightforward and Im feeling great.

  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,539 Member

    hey gator25,

    I also had a serous carcinoma, stage 1A over 12 years ago. The treatment then for this diagnosis was chemo and radiation. Having served as a patient advocate for NCI I can see that treatment for this has changed. I also understand you anxiety, I think we all can.

    During those first 3 years of a visit every 4 months I alternated between the gyn onc's office and my regular gyn. I was given the option to visit the radiologist instead of my gyn, but I didn't like my radiologist and loved my gyn since she saved my life.

    Once I shifted to being seen only every 6 months for 2 years I went to my gyn onc's office only. I was fortunate to be able to be switched to another dr in the gyn onc's office after the first year or so. The gyn onc who did my surgery always ran late, and when I remember how much time he spent with me when he was explaining my diagnosis to me, it makes sense and I would never deny that to anyone else.

    I will share that I was always asked, and still asked today, are there any changes in your bowel habits, and if I have any breathing issues. I know bleeding is also something to look for as well.

    We all understand your feelings, so please don't hesitate to ask us more questions.

  • gator25
    gator25 Member Posts: 3 Member

    great information I do feel much better w others who have and are going through this. I too have a amazing gyn who didnt just blow this off. Will definitely feel more at ease after my first 4month check. Thank you for responding