Breast cancer

tarams602 Member Posts: 5 Member


I was recently diagnosed with breast cancer back in August. I’ve went through all the tests biopsies MRIs ultrasounds. I wound up having a 2.2 nodule in my left breast that was malignant. We spoke but being I have a history of cancer in my I opted immediately to have a double mastectomy. Fast-forward to November 5 was the day of my operation. I had a double mastectomy as well as eight of my lymph nodes tested. After surgery, I was in recovery and the breast surgeon told me I was cancer free. I am still recuperating at home. I still do have one drain in, unfortunately. But I know this is all temporary. I went to see an oncologist last week due to my onco score being a 26 which is pretty much right on the cusp. I was recommended to have chemo and the Lupron or just the Lupron shot. I understand this is all for preventative purposes, but my way of thinking is why should I take any type of treatment if I am cancer free. I always said to myself if I ever was diagnosed with cancer, I would not take any treatment because for me I am more afraid of treatment than cancer itself. I was wondering if anybody had any experience or any advice they could give to me regarding the shot because I’m having second thoughts about even doing that right now . I appreciate any feedback. Anyone can give me. Thank you very much.


  • tarams602
    tarams602 Member Posts: 5 Member

    I am also 51 years old and pre-menopause so the doctor did tell me if I decided to take the shot it would put me right into menopause. I understand I think that they said cancer feeds off of estrogen, but I’m just not sure what to do. Thank you again for all your comments coming. I appreciate it.