Gallbladder cancer that metastasized to liver & Abdomen

Melbid Member Posts: 3 Member


My 73 year old mom had lung cancer in 2019, they did a resection and she went into remission. We found out in August she has gallbladder cancer that metastasized to her liver, abdomen and lymph node. They told her it is palliative care at this point and she started Chemo & immunotherapy to shrink the tumors. She finished 6 rounds of chemo (and has had no side effects which is amazing to me) she just had a recent CT scan showing a couple new tumors but her tumor markers are decreasing. She decided she would keep doing the chemo & immunotherapy for another 6 rounds and then they would stop, but if she felt she wanted to stop before then she could. She is on morphine & oxy for her pain also. The doctor told her she had months, I would like to know from others how much time they had with their loved ones, I know the outlook is not good and I’m not trying to be grim I guess in a way I am trying to prepare myself. I am enjoying the time I have with her now. Any feedback would be appreciated!