Treatment / Survivor Contacts

Hello All —

I am trying to find out and speak to patients / survivors going thru treatment similar to me. I connected with several friends who went thru BC but each one had different stage or bio marker than mine. Any patient/survivor here with HER2 +ve bio marker who went thru chemo & TCHP before surgery?


  • RocDocVic
    RocDocVic Member Posts: 150 Member

    I have hormone negative and HER2 3+ breast cancer. I was diagnosed as stage 2 and grade 2, no lymph nodes involved. I went through 1 TCHP treatment and 5 THP treatments because my body couldn't tolerate the Carboplatin. Taxotere and Carboplatin are cytotoxic chemo drugs. Herceptin and Perjeta are targeted drugs specific to the HER2 protein. The chemo shrank the tumor enough so I qualified for a lumpectomy instead of having a mastectomy. They also removed 3 lymph nodes during the surgery for testing. I had a pCR pathology report for the tumor and surrounding tissue removed and no cancer detected in lymph nodes. I then had 16 rounds of whole left breast radiation treatments. I also had 6+ months of HP every 3 weeks post surgery. I just had my last one this week. I'm scheduled for my 1st mammogram post treatment in December. No hormone blockers needed for me.