Risk Calculation when the fallout of Tamoxifen intake

I am 29 and was diagnosed with early-stage breast cancer a year ago with a BRCA-2 positive mutation. I underwent bilateral mastectomy surgery and was treated with 19 sessions of chemotherapy therapy (4+15)(taxol). The tumor was invasive, not lobular, and the biggest part was 2 cm. Lymph nodes weren't involved; only microinvasion had been suspected but couldn't be proven obviously. (1 lymph node involvement) Tumor grade was II (Ki =11) I got radiotherapy on my armpit and chest. Now I have been using tamoxifen 20 mg for seven months; however, lots of side effects occur: visual problems, anemia, dyspnea, etc. Thus I gave up using it. How much risk do I take in this situation? One doctor says only %5-7 increased risk; the other says you put your life into a big risk. Which one is correct? Who can I consult? Thanks in advance.