ann1985 Member Posts: 5 Member

Hi, brave and wonderful people! So happy to hear there are people who have managed to survive this extremely aggressive type of cancer. I want to send a big hug and thank you to you all, for your optimist and strength and may you stay strong and positive in order to win this battle.

Reading your lines, i felt enouraged to lift my eyes once again towards the sky and pray for a miracle for my lovely aunt who suffers from this desease. We re in Romania and there is no sarcoma center here, doctors follow the international protocol, however nothing seems to work in her case. She has undergone 5 surgeries in only 1 and a half year, looks like next week will be the last one..one last try. Every 3 months, CT shows recurrences. Already had 3 lines of chimiotherapy, unsuccessfully. Tumors continue to grow on her interstines, liver, rectum, bladder.

I experience the worst period of my life since we re very close and my advisor in everything. She s only 54 years old and doctors are outdated, giving her no chance of survival.

Please, if possible, advise me what else she could try, where to go.. we don t know anymore…already spent so much money just to be told that there is nothing left to be done. Thank you so much. Blessings to you all.