Right Lung GGO

karmaray65 Member Posts: 1 Member

Annual CT Lung Screen picked up a new "4.6 x 2.2 cm well-defined ground-glass opacity in the right upper lobe abutting the fissure (4; 111), indeterminate, could be inflammatory however neoplastic process cannot be excluded."
I am a 59yr old male, with stable prostate cancer in past 3.5 yrs.
Case was presented to Pulmonary+Radiology, with following response and appointment in 2 months(!) from now:
"Consensus is that the area of concern is likely inflammatory and unlikely a malignancy. Rapid growth from last year to this year, along with other characteristics, lead to this conclusion. Recommended repeat CT in 3 months."
I have a few concerns. First, that this conclusion may be incorrect and second, that there may be a metastasis of the Prostate Cancer (I know this is very unlikely). I feel like an abundance of caution should drive some more diagnostics, much sooner than 2 months out.
Additionally, even if this object is not malignant, and even if it is inflammatory, shouldn't it still require prompt treatment?
Am I being hyper-sensitive about this?


  • eDivebuddy
    eDivebuddy Member Posts: 108 Member

    Without a solid component of the lesion it's not likely at all to be an invasive cancer. The can not be excluded while true, is mostly CYA. malignant ground glass nodules are usually very slow growing and usually minimally invasive. When they start to get solid components they because more worrisome. Because of its rapid growth and lack of solid component they believe it's most likely some sort of infection or irritation.

    Over half of adults over 50 have lung lesions by far most are benign.

    I assume you're asymptomatic and it was found in a surveillance scan for your prostate cancer? Checking for cancer 2 months is a short time for a repeat scan. If you have symptoms it seems like a long time

    Good luck to you.