newly diagnosed lung cancer

justawmn Member Posts: 15 Member

please. i need someone to talk to. i just found out that i have lung cancer. im scheduled for a pet scan on 11/7/24. to determine what phase. am i dying?



  • justawmn
    justawmn Member Posts: 15 Member

    thank you. my mind is going crazy and i’m either crying or on the verge of crying. i’m scared too death. this was such a shock.

  • eDivebuddy
    eDivebuddy Member Posts: 108 Member
    edited October 2024 #4

    It's definitely okay to cry. Heck crying and sleeping helped me get through the shock and initial treatments.

    Treatments have come further in the last 15 years than the entire history before. What do you know so far?

  • justawmn
    justawmn Member Posts: 15 Member

    all i know is that its 3mm on the edge of my lung the online summary says suspicious TTF1. dic said might they may be able to operate. they will know more after pet scan. my mom died of small cell carcinoma at 69. i keep thinking that my life is over

  • eDivebuddy
    eDivebuddy Member Posts: 108 Member

    Don't write yourself off so soon. 3mm is tiny. too tiny for a biopsy. Sure it'snot 3cm? or did you have a liquid biopsy? Even if it's 3cm it's still smwll and possibly stage 1 , .lwhich as far as lung cancer goes has a very survival prognosis.

    Not a physician but TTF1 positive is generally adenocarcinoma not small cell. Which would come from a biopsy. So if that's the case you need to find out what kind of lung cancer it is.

  • justawmn
    justawmn Member Posts: 15 Member

    omgsh did i need to hear this. thank you for the light you just brought into my day. i have a bronchoscopy. that’s how they took a sample. since the nodule was so close to the edge it caused a lung collapse. i have been out of the hospital for a week when the results came in. when i googled TTF1 us brought up small cell carcinoma. maybe i should stay off google.

    can you share your experience with cancer

  • eDivebuddy
    eDivebuddy Member Posts: 108 Member
    edited October 2024 #8

    A bronchoscopy points even more to 3cm. But like I said 3cm is still pretty small. 3mm is still possible given a perfect location.

    synaptophysin( SYN) and chromogranin A(CgA) are generally used to confirm the histological interpretation of small cell. While ttf1 is generally used to confirm adenocarcinoma of the lung.

    The size of the tumor is important for staging. Also lymph node involvement and spread are also important for staging.

    The stage, type of cancer, Immunohistochemistry markers And genetic biomarkers Are all used to guide treatments. The biomarkers being the most important. Your humor should be getting tested already if there was enough tissue.

    Here's most of my cancer story. I've been slowly recreating it after I left another cancer board over their use of an AI chat bot masquerading as a human.

  • lenachase
    lenachase Member Posts: 5 Member

    I’m so sorry to hear about your diagnosis, and it’s completely understandable to feel overwhelmed right now. Finding out what stage your cancer is in can help doctors develop a personalized treatment plan, and many forms of lung cancer can be treated effectively, especially with today’s advances in medical imaging and therapies. PET scans, like the one you’re scheduled for, provide critical information to guide treatment options.

  • justawmn
    justawmn Member Posts: 15 Member

    hi. thx. my way of thinking has changed. i feel like i have no future so im not interested in things i used to be. i’m so afraid of the pet. but also looking forward to it. im a mess lol

  • DeeDeeK
    DeeDeeK Member Posts: 1 Member

    I know what you mean. It is nice to finally connect to someone else, that really understands. I was diagnosed on 10-29, right before Halloween. I think I walked around in a daze, thinking I am going to wake up out of this nightmare but I had to get a grip, the best I could.I decided I am going to fight with all I can. I refuse to go down easy. Try to stay strong , think positive thoughts. Watch funny light hearted sitcoms, movies. It is hard to focus at first. My mind was going here and there, then just start spinning at least that is what it felt like. Thanks so much for sharing, cause it helps others realize they are not alone.

  • eDivebuddy
    eDivebuddy Member Posts: 108 Member

    Still hanging in there? What did the PET reveal? Are they planning on surgery?

  • justawmn
    justawmn Member Posts: 15 Member

    hi. the pet scan shows malignant tumor in left lobe. called Adenocarcinoma. Stage 1. i have a consultation with a surgeon on Thursday. i’m hoping that it can be cut out via a wedge surgery. i have time to adjust and i am trying to be positive and no longer wallowing in self pity. i’m not afraid to dying but i’m afraid of being in pain. i have a very supportive husband and kids so i’m hoping for the best. how are you doing

  • eDivebuddy
    eDivebuddy Member Posts: 108 Member

    I'm doing great. Way better than I have the right to be. Stage 1 has an extremely good prognosis with surgery. I'm in remission from stage 4b going on 4 years.

  • justawmn
    justawmn Member Posts: 15 Member

    that’s awesome. i hope you stay in remission. i appreciate you taking the time to reply to me. it really helps

  • lwhite
    lwhite Member Posts: 2 Member

    I have Stage 4 cancer of the lung. I’ve been through the first round of chemo & it wasn’t bad. I’m scheduled every 3 weeks & next one is 11/26/24. Meanwhile, I have to be careful on lifting things. Today I got up with pain on my lung ( over did it). May I take Ibuprofen instead of Tylenol ( does not work for me)?
    Thank you!

  • justawmn
    justawmn Member Posts: 15 Member

    thank you sharing your story and for your kind words. i understand how you felt. i think we all feel that way at first. i keep getting bad news but i am not giving up. i’m basically a healthy person but the last 2 years have not been kind to me. Can you share more about you and how to keep positive. i try but bad news keep knocking me down. i hope you have a good day

  • BrendaHenry
    BrendaHenry Member Posts: 23 Member

    Hi. I think we've all been where you are right now. Don't feel like you are alone because you are not. The P E T, MRI, AND OTHER TEST S I needed to help us see where we are with a cancer and what it is doing or not doing. Doctors need a way to see what is going on so that they can use their medical expertise to make a more accurate diagnosis. The waiting period is the most anxious time, but the day will come soon enough and you will know. I was diagnosed in September of 2023 and I still do not know what stage cancer I have. I never wanted to know, but my doctor has told me that my cancer is terminal and I know what that means. But guess what? The chemo that I'm currently on is turning things around for me. The cancer is going away and has stopped spreading. I never accepted that there was nothing that I could do about the cancer except wait to die. I still do not live my life in this manner I live every day and I'm thankful to God for every day that I have and I do things to the best of my knowledge and ability that will help me to live a longer life. I don't think much about dying. Even though that is going to be the ultimate end of each of us, I focus on living. Create your own plan for your life and receive the results that you are given according to your own specific design and plan. Give the cancer it's place in your life, but do not give it all of your life. ♥️🙏🌈🙂

  • justawmn
    justawmn Member Posts: 15 Member

    hi. i love your response. i was first told that i am good candidate for survey removal of lower lobe of left lung. but since my PFT results were so bad the doctor said if i had surgery i would be on lifetime oxygen so now they decided on radiation. i’m actually relieved. i have had 3 surgeries in the past 2 years and something went wrong in two of them. do im happy with radiation. my heart goes out to you. i admire your determination and outlook. thank you. it’s comforting knowing that there are others who are willing to share and listen

  • BrendaHenry
    BrendaHenry Member Posts: 23 Member

    Aren't you glad that we have choices? The treatment of cancer has truly come a long way! The position of my heart, the strange shape of it, and an aneurysm on the aorta makes it impossible for me to have surgery. It's also non-small cell lung cancer. I love having choices!