Don’t know how I feel

8932 Member Posts: 1 Member

hi all, I’m new and this is the first post that I’ve made. Thanx for your support and ideas. My wife, 5yrs ago had a CT scan and they revealed 2 nodules in her lungs. She had another CT scan on Friday and it revealed 7-8 nodules. They want her to see a cancer specialist in the next 2 days. I’m scared that her tabacco use has caught up with her. The ER where she was seen was pretty much convinced that it was cancer. I don’t know how to feel, and I don’t know how to support my wife. Any ideas? Thanx for listening.


  • eDivebuddy
    eDivebuddy Member Posts: 108 Member

    Many things can cause lung lesions and most tumors are benign. Smoking and age do play into it. She will need a biopsy to confirm anything. Go with her to the appointments record them if you can. Ask for a record of conversation. At this point it's probably going to be a biopsy to guide the next steps.

    Was she not getting annual ct scans ? If these turn out to be some non malignant disease it's important to get annual low Dose ct scans.

    No talking about Smoking. Just support her if she decides to quit. Quitting now is going to either be impossible because of the stress or so shocking some find it easier. I waited for 10 months of full remission before quit again.

    I was diagnosed 4b with metastasis to the liver neck skin and brain 50 months ago . They told me average survival was 4 months and 2 year prognosis was zero percent yet here i am over 4 years later. I know 20 year survivors that beat this without the fancy drugs we have today. I know lots of 3 4 and 5 year stage 4 survivors. It's not the lung cancer of years past there are real treatments. While they mm sy not work for everyone they can truly work miracles for some.

    Good luck to you guys