1st post Prostatectomy PSA after sixty days

Wheel Member Posts: 119 Member

I just received my first PSA 2 months after my prostatectomy. It was .04. Is it normal so soon after the prostatectomy for it to be at that level and will it continue to fall more. What were others 1st PSA and subsequent one.
Thanks Wheel


  • Marlon
    Marlon Member Posts: 97 Member

    Wheel, PSA is a measure of active prostate tissue anywhere in the body. if you have no prostate any more, it should be <.01 or non-detect. Did your doctor not discuss the results?

    My first was non-detect and second one coming up end of month.

  • Wheel
    Wheel Member Posts: 119 Member

    I just had the blood test yesterday. The results get automatically posted into mychart. My appointment with the Doctor is next week to discuss.

  • Josephg
    Josephg Member Posts: 444 Member

    It is possible that your first post-prostatectomy PSA reading is not a valid result, but my experience says that it is not. I was 0.05 three months post-prostatectomy, and I've been fighting the Bandit for the 12 years that have followed.

    Let's hope that your 1st PSA reading was an outlier.

  • Marlon
    Marlon Member Posts: 97 Member

    Here's a good link: https://www.webmd.com/prostate-cancer/psa-level-after-prostatectomy

  • Clevelandguy
    Clevelandguy Member Posts: 1,158 Member


    My doctor recently switched me to the ultra sensitive test, my score for the last three yearly tests was .05 which is considered undetectable and stable. Your Cowpers gland secretes a small amount of PSA. If it was me as long as your PSA stayed between .03-05 range, I would not worry about it. If over several readings your PSA is climbing, then look into it. I would be happy with a stable .04 over several readings.

    Dave 3+4

  • Wheel
    Wheel Member Posts: 119 Member

    Thank you Dave for the encouragement

  • Wheel
    Wheel Member Posts: 119 Member

    Marlon, Thanks for the link. Clearly it would have taken a lot of anxiety away that I now have if it was .02 or less, but did read on healthlink that said ideally your post prostatectomy PSA would be undetectable or less than .05. I like seeing that it said less than .05, although it seems much is written about a .02 number and then watching doubling of your PSA and how quickly. I meet the Doctor next week so imagine it will be lets do another test in 90 days. I am good with that and hope this was an outlier, and the next test it goes down a lot, or some, remains the same.

  • Wheel
    Wheel Member Posts: 119 Member

    just reread my lab work and the PSA says <.04

    I saw the .04 and got so fixated on the .04 after hearing so much about .02 and did not even see the < sign. My only question now is where do all these numbers come up like .02, or .01 or .03 if the report comes out <.04.

  • Marlon
    Marlon Member Posts: 97 Member

    It could be interpreted as the laboratory's detection level was .04, so <.04 would be non-detect. Labs can't really say "0" just that they couldn't measure below .04. Thats just my interpretation.