Complex Renal Cyst

Melanna Member Posts: 1 *

Hello All,

I found this board a couple months ago when my dad was suddenly diagnosed with a mass on his kidney the size of a baseball. He had a nephrectomy and has been doing well since (pathology was RCC). I have been working to take care of my own body to ensure that if he ever needed a kidney, I would have one to spare. Well, after a recent ultrasound of my abdomen, it seems I have a multiloculated multiseptated cystic structure in the lower pole of the left kidney. It’s about 4x4x4. I’m in my 30’s, so a bit of a shock. I have a CT scheduled in two days, so now just a waiting game. Reading all of your experiences has been so helpful! What a great board for information and support! Thank you! ☺️