GOTHOPE Member Posts: 3 Member

Hello Everyone. Was hoping to receive some responses to my 'Radiation for Brain Cancer' post. But I understand there are a multitude of questions and difficult to help everyone. In the meantime, can anyone suggest some things for a care package for my sister-in-law? I'm a cancer survivor myself, and I'm familiar with some things I can give her that might help in the journey: mints, head cap, socks, something to read or word puzzles, gum, sea band for nausea, skin lotions and creams, etc. Any other suggestions for those of you that have dealt with this will be most appreciated. Thank you, and God Bless all of you. Sending prayers. 🙏


  • redhd5
    redhd5 Member Posts: 1 Member

    Pretty note pads, silly mugs or socks, coloring books, cozy blankets.
    Hope this helps!!

    GOTHOPE Member Posts: 3 Member

    Thank you. Right now she is in PT and OT for regaining the use of her left side. I had also considered a notebook so she could start journaling and maybe word games. Coloring books are a great idea, as that might help her dexterity too. Thank you for responding!

  • able_619
    able_619 Member Posts: 2 Member

    Sorry to hear about your sister's diagnosis and I hope this isn't too late.

    I did chemo pill + radiation last year for a month. The hardest part for me was the fatigue that hits and lingers. My little sister sent me a comfort food box ( that helped my spouse and I with not having to think about finding a recipe, getting ingredients, and cooking. One less energy-requiring task to perform especially at the end of the week was fantastic.

    Word puzzle books, socks, weighted blanket, and sleep eye mask were also useful accessories. I have a heightened sensitivity now to sensory input, so an hour or 2 spent in a dark quiet room with a blanket was/is bliss. My thoughts for a healthy recovery for your sister! And it's lovely to see you helping your sis out. Support and patience is a huge positive aspect on the caregiver's part.