Will I need diapers post-prostatectomy?



  • EJ73
    EJ73 Member Posts: 16 Member

    Great advice, but why not use the sticky portion of the pad? It’ll come loose from the pull-up.

  • lesjanes
    lesjanes Member Posts: 70 Member

    That is great! Glad to hear you are off to a good start.

  • Marlon
    Marlon Member Posts: 155 Member

    Someone should write a paper or something, for guidance on dealing with the post-treatment incontinence. Diapers, pads, guards, sheet protection, etc., were things not addressed by my hospital or urologists, even in their information pamphlets. Avoiding fluids after a certain point in the evening, or certain liquids at all would have been useful to point out, even if somewhat obvious. And there was a certain amount of discomfort in the area for several weeks. All would have been good to know in advance.

    I did the pad in the diaper overnight thing too for the first week. You dont want the pad to be stuck to the diaper, because it will tear the diaper pad when removing it.

    I tried multiple brands of diapers. I think Depends are the gold standard, especially at night But there are many cheaper brands that work just as well for the daytime.

  • Old Salt
    Old Salt Member Posts: 1,601 Member

    This thread has lots of good info and then there's the search bar for more…

  • On_A_Journey
    On_A_Journey Member Posts: 147 Member

    I found that standing to attention with your feet next to each other when you feel a cough or sneeze coming on, helps tremendously. The most common cause of leakage for me a couple of months after surgery after I had returned to work to my blue-collar job, wasn't lifting or strenuous activity. It was walking back into the workshop after completing a task in the field, and as I was walking, turning around to look at the clock on the wall above the door without breaking stride. Squirt! 🤣

  • LuckyKYGuy
    LuckyKYGuy Member Posts: 32 Member

    sticky part tears the pull up lining which then defeats the purpose I’m using for which is to not have to change the entire pull up in a public restroom It doesn’t come loose as long as you’re in jeans or khaki type pants but if you’re in loose pants it might

  • gumbyrun
    gumbyrun Member Posts: 59 Member

    Catheter lube - I figured this out myself and don’t think I ever saw or heard it mentioned…in addition to keeping the cath clean I applied antibiotic ointment at the insertion point to accommodate a slight “chubby” or semi-erection at night or during the day. Kind of like greasing the pole.

  • LuckyKYGuy
    LuckyKYGuy Member Posts: 32 Member

    A dab of KY Jelly works for that too. I didn't have a slight chubby or erection but just felt some friction which was uncomfortable. A dab of KY jelly helped with that tremendously.

  • LuckyKYGuy
    LuckyKYGuy Member Posts: 32 Member
    edited December 2024 #50

    My update: I am eight weeks post op and seven weeks post catheter removal. I have noticed some difference in my incontinence even with Kegels and now core strengthening from my PT. I keep pushing on and hoping for the best.

    I've been dry at night since the start. Maybe the daytime leakage when coughing or sneezing has improved a tiny bit but otherwise still going through 3-4 Depends a day (I don't let them get completely soaked or heavy). I am able to urinate when standing in front of the toilet when I want to. I can now walk around the grocery store or Wal Mart without feeling like I'm constantly peeing myself..

    The best thing I did was use pads in the Depends on my travels to a conference and other places. Changing the pad in a public restroom is much easier than changing the whole pull up. And it does stay in place if you're wearing casual khakis or jeans but if in loose fitting sweat pants you have to be more careful. After the first time trying this I did not use the sticky to the Depends because it pulled the Depends apart after the second change. I have only had one time where I leaked onto my clothes and that was fortunately in black pants and after a few drinks at a conference I was at. I have also found the Depends are way better than the generic brand Wal Mart sells. It's worth a couple more bucks to feel confident.

    I told my wife this weekend that I'd be happy if I could see a 50% improvement from where I now am.

    As for the ED, my Dr prescribed 20mg Cialis on my visit last week (PSA was undetectable) and I took one this past weekend to see what would happen. End result, no erection and still as some one on here put it "no signs of life like Mars". I do feel a little bit of maybe an erection after a bowel movement which seems weird to me but at this point I'll take what I can get HAHA. Honestly if the erection thing never happens again I'm ok with it if that's how it has to be.

  • lesjanes
    lesjanes Member Posts: 70 Member

    I was dry about 10 weeks out and did kegels and pelvic floor PT.

    But in hindsight one of the things I also did, that I think really helped was to stop my pee stream while I was peeing. I would stop the pee stream and then let it continue. Sometimes this was a lot of effort, but I think really helped my bladder sphincter get its muscle memory back.