Diagnosed with 3.5 cm ovarian endo, CEA and CA125 normal. Should I get a laparoscopy or watch and wa



  • starrynight5626
    starrynight5626 Member Posts: 12 Member

    Your diagnosis sounds a lot like mine. It's been just about a year now since my endo was found. It was 3.5 cm and the U/S I've had also can't visualize my left ovary. I've had 3 U/S now and all come back basically the same. My endo is now 3.2cm but as of the 2nd U/S is now "communicating" with another lobe which is 2.6cm, down from 2.9cm on the previous U/S.

    Neither my GP or the Ob/Gyn I've talked to seem concerned about this. The notes said "The normal left ovarian parenchyma difficult to differentiate from the endometrioma". I asked her what that meant and she said "Based on the imaging it's difficult to totally differentiate exactly where the endometrioma starts/ends because it attached/incorporated with the ovary which is typical - not concerning." Then when I type that into Google that response is

    "Normal left ovarian parenchyma difficult to differentiate from the endometrioma" means that on an ultrasound or imaging scan, the healthy tissue of the left ovary appears so similar to an endometrioma (a type of cyst often associated with endometriosis) that it's challenging to distinguish one from the other, potentially leading to misdiagnosis or uncertainty about the nature of the mass. 

    Well, that doesn't make me feel any better! The Ob/Gyn said that if I'm still asymptomatic that she'll order another U/S for me in 6 months (so July) and if that is unchanged then we can just discontinue imaging. I don't know how to feel about that.

  • mcs803
    mcs803 Member Posts: 4 *

    It is all so frustrating. I am just try to relax and be patient for 3 months and see what happens. But then sometimes I think about the mammogram that the radiologist said was fine but within a few weeks I was diagnosed with breast cancer from a different provider. So glad that i , nor my NP, took a wait and see approach to that. I would also like to know what the mural nodule is all about.

    Maybe our left ovaries took a European vacation together. Lol

  • starrynight5626
    starrynight5626 Member Posts: 12 Member

    Ha! Maybe they did!

    I just feel like they are both so non-plussed about it. After my first U/S, which was inconclusive I told my GP that my aunt had died from OC and also asked if I could get a CA125 test. I was told that family history is important, but that they'd be more concerned if it was a first degree relative (mom, sister) and an MRI was more appropriate than a CA-125 test because I'd want the MRI regardless of what the CA-125 said. Well I went and got a CA-125 test outside of the clinic and it was normal. After my MRI they said I could have the CA-125 through the clinic which I still had and it was normal.

    And speaking of mammograms, I have mine coming up next week!

  • mcs803
    mcs803 Member Posts: 4 *

    You would think any close relative would be a concern. An aunt isn't that far removed.

    Good luck with your mammogram. I have a 6 month follow up mammogram next month.

    Thanks for your input.