What diagnostic tests did you have done?

lhhillman Member Posts: 9 Member

I had my vaginal ultrasound on Friday, waiting on the results. I am 70 yo, had a CT scan 1 week ago for another issue and they discovered that the 3.0 cyst on my ovary had grown to 3.6 in size. During the ultrasound, the technician measured the cyst and told me it had shrunk to 3.2. No history of ovarian cancer in my family, my mom had breast cancer after menopause at age 64. If my doctor recommends additional testing, should I have a CA-125, PET scan, MRI or request a biopsy. I don't want to wait for a definitive diagnosis any longer than needed.


  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,546 Member

    lhhillman, breast and ovarian cancers can be 'related' so push for answers.

  • lhhillman
    lhhillman Member Posts: 9 Member

    I recently had my annual mammogram- all clear

    This possible ovarian cancer surprised me- I am doing extensive research and will push for answers. I suffer from chronic pelvic floor issues and for 3 years have had to push my doctors for a coordinated treatment.

  • lhhillman
    lhhillman Member Posts: 9 Member

    Results of ultrasound

    Left adnexal cyst measuring 3.0 cm corresponding to the finding on CT. The borders of the cyst are not clearly delineated due to artifact and limitations as above, and the mural thickening/nodularity seen by CT is not clearly visualized by ultrasound.

    The following category is chosen based upon the findings on CT, with note that vascularity cannot be assessed, therefore it is possible that this category may change if visualization is improved on follow-up study: Category 2b- Cystic mass with small avascular solid component < 1cm. (#amcs2b) Recommend general GYN consult. If patient is >/= 50 years old, ensure normal CA-125.

    Appears to not be conclusive- asked my doctor about a biopsy. will also schedule the blood test

  • beth2924
    beth2924 Member Posts: 33 Member


    Push for answers, especially with ovarian cancer, the sooner you catch it the better. Best case the answer in not cancer. But better to know than not know. In my case, the ultrasound found a cyst, unusual for post menopause so I was referred to an ob/gyn who did a physical pelvic exam and took a biopsy. At the time they weren't as worried about the cyst and thought it was just endometriosis. We decided on a hysterectomy due to unusual cells in the biopsy that could become cancer. After the hysterectomy the lab reports came back with both ovarian and uterine cancers. My CA-125 never went above 33, so it is not always a good indicator in all cases. No one test should be used alone for confirmation or ruling out cancer. Get all the information you can get.
