Meeting with doctor today

lhhillman Member Posts: 9 Member

For the past 3 years I've been suffering from pelvic floor issues including constipation, bloating and lower back pain. Have had several pelvic CT scans since 2021 and nothing showed up until 2 months ago: a lesion/cyst in the left adnexa (3 cm). Yesterday I had another CT scan and it's now 3.7
My previous gynecological exam was in December 2023 and there was no cyst.

I am 70. Lots of questions for my doctor. From the research I've done, the only definitive way to confirm a cancer diagnosis is with a biopsy. Should I be pushing for that instead of an ultrasound or other imaging tests? Don't want to waste any time if it is cancer.


  • AnneN
    AnneN Member Posts: 22 Member

    I would not do a biopsy, if for no other reason than if it is cancer, you would be potentially releasing cancer cells that were previously contained. I am 67, had occasional minor spotting, and a mass that everyone thought was a benign uterine fibroid, even after ultrasound and MRI (in NYC, so state-of-the-art diagnostics). Other symptoms were mild constipation, urinary difficulty, bloating and GERD ( which I had for years). Nothing all that unusual, which is typical for ovarian cancer. I had a total hysterectomy, as my “ fibroid” was growing. The pathology came back stage 2 ovarian endometrioid carcinoma. The tumor was difficult to remove and ruptured during surgery, fortunately after it was surgically bagged. I am mid-chemo now, and feel so lucky that it was caught. Ovarian cancer is a sneaky ****. Trust your body. If you think something is wrong, follow up, and know that tests are not always accurate.

    At our age, the lady parts are not doing anything. Recovery from the hysterectomy was not bad.

  • lhhillman
    lhhillman Member Posts: 9 Member

    I am scheduled for a transvaginal ultrasound this Friday (first step). Because of all of my pelvic floors issues which have the same symptoms, difficult for me to differentiate.

    I would select to do a hysterectomy if there is a positive diagnosis.

  • AnneN
    AnneN Member Posts: 22 Member

    My transvaginal ultrasound and MRI (in FL) first flagged a fibroid, the second one (in NYC) flagged a possible leiomysarcoma. Then it was a more elaborate MRI than I had had before that came back as benign fibroid. It was not until surgery that they thought ovarian, and even then, not the type that it turned out to be. This was with top NYC specialists. Ovarian is really hard to pin down with symptoms and tests. Don't assume that tests will show what is going on, Personally, I would go straight to hysterectomy, but talk with your MD.

    Hugs and best wishes. It is a scary rollercoaster.

  • lhhillman
    lhhillman Member Posts: 9 Member

    I've been doing extensive research the past few days. The recent CT scan (2 days ago) for another issue only showed the cyst in one ovary, nothing else noted in surrounding organs. The transvaginal ultrasound, it seems does not definitely diagnose cancer, I am prepared for the surgery and would opt for a hysterectomy.

    Thank you for your insight

  • AnneN
    AnneN Member Posts: 22 Member

    I hope it helps. Good luck!