Stage 4c colon cancer

atxmom Member Posts: 1 Member

I’m new to this forum and looking for information regarding my daughter, now 41, who is 22 months into treatment for colon cancer that had metasticized to her ovaries, 8 of 38 lymph nodes, omentum and peritoneum. She had a successful cytoreductive surgery initially with colostomy, followed by 12 chemo treatments of Folfirinox, then a second surgery to remove anything suspicious, reverse the colostomy and perform HIPEC, but within 6 months, a PET scan revealed four spots on the peritoneum so she just completed 12 more treatments minus the oxyplatin due to severe neuropathy. I may be premature with this question since her PET scan isn’t done yet and the Signaterra results aren’t in, but the surgeon, who is so very gifted, believes another surgery to remove anything suspicious along with the HIPEC procedure should be the next step regardless of the results of these tests. I appreciate that the surgeon wants to be aggressive because of my daughter’s age and her young boys, but I’m discouraged that the first HIPEC didn’t keep the cancer at bay but for 6 months. Would maintenance chemo do the same or perhaps intermittent Folfirinox? How many times can a body endure that type of trauma? If we wait until the cancer is visible again before doing another HIPEC, might it turn up in an even worse location? Are there any stories of people surviving secondary peritoneal cancer for very long??

I’m sorry to throw out so many questions but if anyone has experience with a similar situation, please share.