Hypoechoic Lesion on Right Kidney

rwomack00 Member Posts: 2 *

Hi everyone,

A little background info about myself, I’m 31 years old. I started having upper and mid right abdominal pain last October so I’ve been seeing a gastro fairly regularly to find a cause to my pain. A month ago, I went for ovary pain and my gyno requested an ultrasound. Lo and behold they found this lesion on my right kidney. It is a 2.1 x 2.4 x 2.6 hypoechoic lesion with no calcification. I was told not to worry that it could be a cyst but I was being referred to a nephrologist who was going to perform further testing. My appointment isn’t until the end of October but I’ve stressed myself out by doing my own research. Apparently, only 20-30% of these solid masses are benign. I know I don’t have concrete info due to not speaking with the doctor but I’m scared. I feel like my pain may not have been gastro after all. Has anyone else had anything similar? What questions should I bring up at my appointment?