Newbie - trying to put it all together

Had a D&C and Hysteroscopy on Friday and awaiting results, I guess in a few more days. This procedure followed a biopsy that said I had endometrial atrophy. Endometrial thickening was 5 mm on ultrasound. I have a great gyn/onco. I’m concerned because I have also been having a work up with my Endocrinologist over the past six months. I have continued to have elevated Testosterone. I wonder if the Endo thickening and the Testosterone could be related. Sometimes I just want to scream because the medical community is so compartmentalized, and I wish my Endo and Onco were at the same hospital. It’s a lot to juggle. My primary, Endo, and Gyn/Onco are all at different hospitals.


  • Forherself
    Forherself Member Posts: 1,032 Member
    edited September 2024 #2

    Welcome ColonelMom. Waiting is very hard. But you said your biopsy showed endometrial atrophy. That is not cancer so I am wondering if there was something else on the biopsy that caused the referral to a gynecological oncologist? We say one in 10 biopsies are positive for endometrial cancer so there is a 90% chance yours will be negative, unless you already had a positive one. Try and keep busy while you are waiting. Don't read old studies online. Treatment has improved greatly in the last few years. You can click on someone's. name and read their story. Except mine. This discussion board was changed about a year ago and doesn't seem to work as well in my opinion. Feel free to ask questions. Are you menopausal? Also, you said you had atrophy and then Endo thickening. Atrophy means wasting away. I did read that testosterone can decrease endometrium.

  • Forherself
    Forherself Member Posts: 1,032 Member

    I looked at my own US from 2018. It said I had an inactive endometrium with a thickness of 15mm. I am wondering about endometrial atrophy and endometrial thickness. I never really thought about this before. I wonder why if it is inactive or atrophic it is still thickened? Oh well, more searching.

  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,539 Member

    ColonelMom, what was the result of your tests? Hope it is nothing serious.

  • Forherself
    Forherself Member Posts: 1,032 Member This is a nice website that helps explain pathology reports and other terms you will see on a pathology report.