Gastroparesis and post menopausal bleeding

I started having abdominal pain, heartburn, early satiety, regurgitation while sleeping, followed by currently severe epigastric bloating (like an alien is moving around, it’s wild). This all began in February ‘24 and I was recently diagnosed with gastroparesis (GP) “caused by covid infection” in Jan 2024. I’ve been post menopausal for over 2 yrs, no HRT, otherwise very healthy. I intentionally lost about 35 lbs in late 2022/early 2023 but then kept losing weight w/o trying. I went from 170-135 and am down to 97 (trying to gain to qualify for a clinical trial for GP). Last week I started bleeding heavily. I don’t have a GYN so I called my primary care PA. She did a pelvic exam and said “yep, you’re gushing from your uterus” and ordered a pelvic ultrasound (happening tmrw). No referral for GYN. The motility clinic (prior to all this happening) had scheduled me for a small bowel CT to rule out an underlying cancerous reason for my GP (scheduled for 9/17, trying to move it up). I’ve now read that GP can be a symptom of ovarian cancer. Would post menopausal bleeding also be a sign of that or more likely uterine origin? It’s hard to know if the things (GP and post meno bleeding) are related or not. My PA thinks not. Should I find a GYN, ask the motility specialist or stick with my PCP PA? I’m so confused. Or am I overthinking all of this? I’m a retired nurse (52) and have little trust in our healthcare system as a whole after what I’ve seen and been through.

Also, my sister had triple negative BC followed by endometrial cancer at age 38. I can’t seem to find much research on diagnostic guidelines or if heavy bleeding is more or less likely to be serious than spotting, for example. Sorry if this isn’t the right place to post this. I’m just anxious and looking for any similar cases to mine, diagnostic pathways, and outcomes. 🫶🏼