Prostate, need to get Biopsy.

47 year old. PSA kept rising, highest 3. MRI (2 lesions), it doing well mentally, planning a transperneal Biopsy: CLINICAL INDICATION: Prostate screen, PSA > 3, post repeat (PSA, DRE, benign workup) Encounter for screening for malignant neoplasm of prostate Z12.5; TECHNIQUE: Using a body phased array coil small field-of-view imaging of the prostate was performed using the following sequences; [axial T1-weighted, axial T2-weighted, sagittal T2-weighted, coronal T2-weighted, diffusion-weighted]. Axial T1-weighted images [with fat suppression] through the prostate were obtained performed with administration intravenous contrast. GADOBENATE DIMEGLUMINE 529 MG/ML IV SOLN 17 mL. Using a large field-of-view, the entire pelvis to the level of the aortic bifurcation was imaged with the following sequences fat suppressed T2-weighted, Axial T1-weighted images ] Postprocessing images with DynaCAD software were obtained and submitted for analysis. COMPARISON: No prior studies available to compare PSA level: None provided. FINDINGS: Prostate Size: 3.1 x 4.0 x 4.6 cm Volume: 30 cc TRANSITION ZONE: T2 images demonstrate heterogeneous multinodular appearance, without evidence of suspicious nodules. PERIPHERAL ZONE : Lesion 1: DW images demonstrate focal markedly hypointense on ADC and hyperintense on DWI <1.5 cm (4). T2 images demonstrate circumscribed homogeneous moderate hypointense focus/ mass <1.5cm (4). The lesion is seen in the right posterolateral peripheral zone at the mid gland measuring 0.8 x 0.8 cm (series 11 image 23 and series 6 image 24). Images post contrast demonstrate Diffuse enhancement no corresponding to focal finding on T2 and/or diffusion images PI-RADS (PERIPHERAL ZONE LESION #1: 4 Lesion 2: DW images demonstrate focal discrete and different from background, hypointensity with focal hyperintensity in high DWI (3) T2 images demonstrate round moderate hypointensity (3). The lesion is seen in the right anterolateral peripheral zone on the left at the mid gland to apex measuring 0.6 x 0.6 cm (series 11 image 24). Images post contrast demonstrate Diffuse enhancement no corresponding to focal finding on T2 and/or diffusion images PI-RADS (PERIPHERAL ZONE LESION #2: 3 Extra prostatic extension No Seminal vesicles: Normal serpiginous appearance without thickening of the walls, abnormal restriction or enhancement Bladder: Partially distended without wall thickening. Lymphadenopathy: No suspicious lymphadenopathy. Bones: No enhancing osseous lesions. Other: No bowel obstruction.


  • Wheel
    Wheel Member Posts: 194 Member

    my MRI had a PIRADS 4 lesion .9 x.9x.3. The biopsy was prompted by this lesion. MRI guided fusion biopsy showed lesion was benign, however the other grid cores taken discovered my cancer. Ask urologist about ExoDx urine marker test. You can google it. Good luck

  • JayGonzalez
    JayGonzalez Member Posts: 2 *

    thank you.

  • Old Salt
    Old Salt Member Posts: 1,585 Member

    I hope that your biopsy will sample the two suspicious areas identified in the MRI (in addition to the normal biopsy pattern).

    Transperineal biopsies are the preferred ones, but not all urologists are able to do those.

  • Clevelandguy
    Clevelandguy Member Posts: 1,265 Member


    As stated above by Oldsalt the biopsy should be conducted with the MRI data as a guide on where to take samples. Only the biopsy can determine if you have cancer and also how aggressive it is(Gleason score).

    Dave 3+4