It's September again.

beaumontdave Member Posts: 1,289 Member

I suddenly realized it's that month, in which was my original diagnosis, on my late wife's birthday, [Sep. 25], our Anniversary [Sep. 1], and my last CRC/liver resection [Sep. 5 or 6]. Always a muted observance, but this year is 10 years since the Labor Day Friday, of my last cancer surgery in 2014, and 17 years past the cancer treatment path began, in 2007. I counted time for so long, it feels like a luxury, or different existence, nearly forgetting the dates. I wish everyone here, gets to reach that point, where it no longer lurks in the front of one's mind, much of the time. Hi to all the veterans of the blog, who were there back when, having this place was invaluable to my mentally/emotionally coping with all I was going through. For new folk, that story is there for revue, and I hope you all beat all the odds in your recovery, as well.