Anyone have surgery after 6 rounds of chemo/immunotherapies?

jillfromGA Member Posts: 14 Member

Hi everyone. I was diagnosed with stage 4 uterine with spread to omentum and peritoneal carcinomatosis in late Feb 2024. Not a candidate for immediate surgery. I did 3 rounds of carbo/taxol and Jemperli (immunotherapy) then a CT scan that was essentially unchanged but stable. I completed 3 more rounds followed by another scan earlier this month that still shows the carcinomatosis BUT my CA125 has gone from ~3600 to 27. WEIRD!!
My GYN-ONC thinks the scan is showing dead cancer cells that have scarred down and wants to do surgery next week likely followed by more chemo 6-8 weeks later. She would start with a scope to really see if she could get optimal debulking. If everything looked favorable she would proceed with open surgery. I’m especially nervous about the peritoneal involvement as she mentioned risk for bowel resections and even the need for possible ostomy. She has assured me she will only proceed with the surgery if she feels confident it will improve my chances of reaching remission but I’m still quite nervous.
Has anyone had debulking after 6 rounds and had positive outcomes? I’m hoping to read success stories to calm my nerves a bit💜

Side note…my team is now pretty convinced this is ovarian not uterine despite the original biopsy result back in February. Also found out I am BRCA 1. She will take additional biopsies to help determine the final diagnosis and what happens next. Thanks for listening and I hope to hear positive outcomes soon!


  • tracyleelee
    tracyleelee Member Posts: 1 Member

    hello Jill,

    I am stage 4b high grade serous carcinoma and have had a successful debulking surgery post 3 months of Taxol w/ carboplatin. I had my omentum (except what was unreachable/under ribs), peritoneal, ovaries, fallopian tubes and as much cancer as was able to be seen removed. I only had the ‘fine remnants’ of cancer that was too small to be able to fully take care of and to be treated with a couple more rounds of chemo 1 month post surgery in hopes of a remission. The peritoneal disclosure to complications as a bowel resection/ostomy has to be that-disclosed to your awareness. They don’t want to have to do that either and will not unless absolutely medically necessary. Debulking surgery was a positive for me and I would choose to do the same again if needed.

    Prayers for you and your surgery,
