Narcissistic sister with terminal cancer

Pickle2 Member Posts: 1 *

My sister who has this past year been given a terminal cancer diagnosis with no specific time frame as the consultants say they have not seen a cancer like hers before. Since her diagnosis she has been ruthless with family tearing us apart. She has a 7 year old daughter and l have a 7 year old son. Initially l was asked to take her daughter when she passed she suddenly changed her mind not before asking me to help move her to a new flat and lay all her flooring. She then did not speak to me for 8 months. 2 months ago she decided to ask to visit with my mother but wanted to dictate that my older daughter 27 could not be there with no clear explanation why.

My daughter got upset and wrote her aunt a letter asking why she is excluding her. There have been past problems and my daughter has asked to have a family meeting yo work through them but my mother and sister refuse to do this.

I had the added complication of catching my niece molesting my son which my sister will not believe or deal with. She has also decided to leave our brother in New Zealand a nasty letter to be sent to him when she dies which is cruel l have warned him.

My sister has caused drama her whole life it has just escalated since her diagnosis. My mother even though my sister nearly drove her to suicide is choosing to cut my daughter my young son and l off because she is dying.

My mother who Is now at 73 planning on taking my niece has approached my 24 year old son to support her which l am livid about. My son is a softy and will help but they should not be burdening him he is just starting his life.

My niece has a lot of problems for which l have skills to deal with my son does not. My son is in touch with me but l am afraid my sister will attempt to poison him to to isolate him as she does not want me to see my niece.

My point is just because your dying doesn't give you the right to be cruel and dismissive to others.

I am at a loss l now have lost my mother too because of my sisters manipulation it hurts.