I have m1a in the lung nodes.want to do a RP

cp014 Member Posts: 8 Member

Just diagnosed.

I want to remove the prostrate!!
12 samples. 3 cancerous 3+ 4 =7. One a 9 very aggressive. Seems better than all 12 cancerous.

No bone met or organ met.

I am in great health, was. Feel good.

Will they let me remove it?

if not why not!! They already decide my fate? I do not understand this. I understand if they know for sure not worth the effort, etc. but they not know this for sure and % don’t know for sure either.

Seems I gave better chance removing source of cancer as much as I can even if there maybe other sources now.

I had 2 in lung now three. So spreading but still in lymph nodes. I would want to radiate those after taking out prostrate. ADT or sumtin.

Thoughts and support always greatly appreciated


  • Clevelandguy
    Clevelandguy Member Posts: 1,265 Member


    Did your Urologist do a PMSA PET scan yet? Results? Sounds like your cancer has spread to your lymph nodes and lungs. Usually they don’t remove the Prostate if the cancer has spread outside of the Prostate. If it was me I would go for a second opinion with another set of doctors/hospital network to see if they have different treatment protocols. You need to have all the facts before you and your doctor team talk about treatment. There are several ways to attack your situation like chemo,ADT,spot radiation,brachytherapy,immunotherapy to name a few.

    Dave 3+4

  • Marlon
    Marlon Member Posts: 146 Member

    What is your age? That is a factor.

  • cp014
    cp014 Member Posts: 8 Member

    i am 63 in good shape very active and I run. I did. Bumbed can’t run now to depressed.
    This is hard on me as anyone I am sure. I loved life each and every day. I always had that going concern and now I don’t. Never took life and its blessings for granted.

    I know I am selfish not in pain like many yet.
    I am so fearful of the pain and debilitation and then being gone.

    I want to live and fight as much as I can.

    It has spread to the lymph nodes outside my lung. No signs anywhere else except right section of prostrate gad big uptake and is cancerous.

  • cp014
    cp014 Member Posts: 8 Member

    I am hoping for some positive news, light in my unique situation as everyone’s is.

    I never got chance to take out prostrate.

    I got biopsy that it was aggressive. Had a intra ducal component, very aggressive hard to stop.

    But no signs anywhere except prostrate and those lung nymph nodes. That has to be a good sign.

    I am sorry to all for my self pity and stupidity.

  • cp014
    cp014 Member Posts: 8 Member

    I have a bone scan next week even though folks pretty confident the pet scan not reveal any bone met. Then I meet w current urologist.

    I have appointment w urological surgeon big guy at utsw Hospitol in dallas.

    I also have appointment w divi robot urologist surgeon in austin.

    I have appointment w oncologist Monday. From there I want to start treatment and next step. Looking for an advanced experienced oncologist who can guide me w the most recent and advanced treatment with brightest outcome rather than just going on % and staying within protocols and boundaries. I dunno.

  • Clevelandguy
    Clevelandguy Member Posts: 1,265 Member


    Sounds like your doing your homework which should give you the best outcome.👍

    Dave 3+4

  • Josephg
    Josephg Member Posts: 485 Member

    Hook yourself up with a Medical Oncologist that specializes in prostate cancer (PCa). You live in a general area where there are more than 1 Cancer Center of Excellence, and that is where you should go to find a Medical Oncologist. A Medical Oncologist should be the leader of your medical team, and they will bring the various treatment specialists onto the medical team if/when needed. I've been led by my Medical Oncologist for 12 years, who has guided me through surgery, IMRT, SRBT, and hormone cocktail therapies, and I'm still around enjoying a quality of life appropriate for a PCa survivor.

  • Old Salt
    Old Salt Member Posts: 1,585 Member

    I am sorry that you find yourself in such a difficult medical situation at a relatively young age.

    You do seem to realize that removing your prostate won't solve your problems. I will add that that kind of surgery has its own side effects.

    I second the recommendation to find the best medical expertise available to you.

  • Wheel
    Wheel Member Posts: 194 Member

    Don’t rule out Radiation. At your age if it were to return Salvage Radical Prostatectomy is totally feasible. You hear it is more difficult, but according to many Surgeons it has become easier than in the past depending on the skill of the Surgeon. Once you hit 73-75 depending on your health and life expectancy a Radical Prostatectomy becomes more likely ruled out. If you are able to get two Radiation oncologist’s opinions and two Surgical that should give you information you need to go forward. Read the history’s of people on the forum, you have many years ahead.

  • cp014
    cp014 Member Posts: 8 Member

    thank you

  • VascodaGama
    VascodaGama Member Posts: 3,731 Member


    Independently of age, PCa patients diagnosed with metastasis are usually not recommended to radical treatments. These are the NCCN Guidelines and regulations at the various medical associations.

    This concept results from the success in therapies. The principle is to reach effectiveness in one approach. No bandages to treat wounds leaving the malady just 50% treated.

    Therefore, doctors would not recommend dissecting the gland without including a effective plan to eliminate the cancer at the lymph nodes.

    I wonder how was your metastasis diagnosed. Have you done 68Ga PSMA PET exam? What image studies have reveled those affected lymph nodes? Were those nodes investigated by a pathologist (biopsy)?

    Hopefully you get answers from the "collection" of doctors you are visiting. Tell them about your wishes but also get educated in the risks attached to each treatment. Your quality of life is in jeopardy.

    Best of lucks.


  • cp014
    cp014 Member Posts: 8 Member


    that is my problem! 50% really.

    I want to remove the prostrate and treat the lung met aggressively too.
    I suspect this is result of an IDC intra ductal component and is very aggressive worse not respondent to treatment.
    Why do half ****?

  • cp014
    cp014 Member Posts: 8 Member

    I have psma bone scan scheduled this week. I guess we will see.

    I am not feeling positive about this.
    Felt just being met lung so far might be an advantage . I don’t know.

    I already want to just cry and give up.

  • VascodaGama
    VascodaGama Member Posts: 3,731 Member

    Hey, hang in there. There are several ways to treat your situation. Your doctors are now judging the best way to tackle the bandit.

    Exams are required and they will give you a clinical status from where to decide.

    I believe that you will find a doctor to dissect or radiate the gland and those lymph nodes if such is your wishes. Surely you have to take into account your age and other sicknesses you may have already or that will occur from the treatment.

    Get second opinions.