Recent breast cancer diagnosis

ARod111 Member Posts: 5 Member

Hi, I am new here. I was diagnosed in May with IDC, and I just had a lumpectomy 2 weeks ago. Before surgery, I also had a breast MRI and it showed that I only had the single tumor (~1.5 cm) with no other suspicious areas or lymph nodes. Since the surgery, my tissue pathology came back and fortunately I have clear margins and no lymph node involvement. My tumor was found to be 1.9 cm at its longest, and I was surprised to see that I also had an area of DCIS that was about 4cm in size. No one mentioned the DCIS before this. Is this normal? I am concerned that only my IDC was mentioned on any previous report with no mention of the DCIS, especially the MRI. Or were the doctors focused on the primary cancer which is the real concern and it's normal to only address the DCIS after the tumor is removed? This is something that I will bring up with the surgeon at my postop appointment, but I was hoping to hear what others' experiences were. Thanks.


  • srocha620
    srocha620 Member Posts: 4 Member

    hi, I don’t have much advice but wanted to say, I was just recently diagnosed mid July. I found a lump and ultrasound and biopsy confirms IDC. I have very dense breasts and my diagnostic mammogram showed microcalcifications. Recently, I had an MRI which shows no lymph node involvement but a much larger area that wasn’t biopsied. I freaked out. It’s a mix of IDC and DCIS. My doctor can’t tell how much of it is DCIS and how much is invasive. She said it was normal for both to show up on the MRI. The measuring is 6cm. The only way I will know the size and stage is having a mastectomy but they want to do chemotherapy first to shrink and then surgery. Tomorrow I have my ultrasound and biopsy of lymph nodes. My doctor is being thorough in making sure the lymph nodes are ok. Crossing fingers on that. I’m 40 years old with no family history and I’m devastated. Trying to remain positive. Sending you positive prayers.

  • ARod111
    ARod111 Member Posts: 5 Member

    Wishing you the best and clear lymph nodes! I am 44 with no history of cancer (confirmed with genetic testing as well) so I understand the feeling of shock. Keep your thoughts positive and trust that you will get through this. Sending prayers your way as well!

  • srocha620
    srocha620 Member Posts: 4 Member

    Thank you! I’ve been praying. Can you keep me posted on what your surgeon says on the DCIS? Since I have both and still don’t know the stage until surgery, I am curious. Do you know your stage? I’m hormone positive and I believer hers2 negative.

  • ARod111
    ARod111 Member Posts: 5 Member

    My initial stage was 1A since the IDC was less than 2cm. Now that my nodes are negative and the IDC is 1.9 cm after surgery, I think it will stay the same. However, I will find out after my post-op appointment next week. My tumor was also hormone positive with HER2 negative (low). My KI-67 was 34%, and I'm waiting on the Mammaprint results to see if they recommend chemo. I have been told I can't do targeted radiation but have to do whole breast radiation since the DCIS was so big.

  • srocha620
    srocha620 Member Posts: 4 Member

    oh okay, thank you for replying. Just had my lymph node biopsy and I’m praying it comes back negative. My original breast biopsy one area my ki-67 was at 30% and the other was at 60%.

  • 12joelowhoma
    12joelowhoma Member Posts: 5 Member

    I had the expensive genetic testing done 20 yrs ago when I had a lumpectomy. It showed BRAC 1 & BRAC 2.At 20 Yrs my oncologist said you are now with regular doctors but reminded me that the genetics made me high-risk. Even with that advice I'm still having trouble understanding that that lump I felt is cancer. Diagnostic appointment made. Since Feb 2004, each year I have had a mammogram. I'll just keep my fingers crossed & love all those doctors!

  • srocha620
    srocha620 Member Posts: 4 Member

    so happy to hear about your 20 years in remission. This makes me very hopeful. I am very scared but I know I will beat this. I am looking at a mastectomy but I’ll do what it takes to lower my risk of reoccurrence.

  • EsmeM
    EsmeM Member Posts: 2 *

    I had the same situations as yours April 2024. The doctor didn’t mention it but it is definitely in my after surgery report. I brought it up to the doctor on my follow up visit and he said “it’s the same cancer” even though there were 2 tumors, one as invasive ductal carcinoma and DCIS as second one not mentioned previously. I have been treated with 20 radiation treatments and the 5 yr pill after I’m done with radiations.

  • ARod111
    ARod111 Member Posts: 5 Member

    Thanks for your response; I am curious to see what my doctor will say. The day of surgery she mentioned having targeted radiation, but now I'm told I'll need full breast radiation. So, the more I think about it, I am worried they missed the DCIS. I'll just have to wait and see.

    What type of radiation did you have? It must be such a relief to get those treatments over. Good luck with everything!

  • EsmeM
    EsmeM Member Posts: 2 *

    in my case they did full breast and then targeted radiation, I had it at 12 o clock and I all I know is radiation therapy but don’t know exactly the name of it. They took the 2 tumors that were in the same place so radiation counts for two in the same area. Just praying it doesn’t come back🙏

  • 12joelowhoma
    12joelowhoma Member Posts: 5 Member

    After my surgeries my dr's insisted I lose weight! None of those "I feel sorry for myself sweets". I look back & I made all my appts, annual mammogram, no alcohol, exercise, healthy non-acidic foods. Oh I am not in remission or taking anti-cancer drug. I have been totally cancer free! Yesterday the Breast Ctr called & ask me to take a cancelled appt. I did & have been given another clean bill of NO CANCER. I'll see them in 1 yr.

  • 12joelowhoma
    12joelowhoma Member Posts: 5 Member

    My surgery was 20 yrs ago.Not only do I not remember but I would guess now radiation types are different. I lost weight. None of those "I feel sorry for myself sweets". During treatment, I made ALL appts, no alcohol, lost weight with a healthy non-acidic diet, exercise. Yesterday Breast Cancer Ctr called & ask me to fill in for cancelled appt. I did I'm happy to tell you. No cancer. For 20 yrs I've been cancer free-no remission or anti-cancer drugs. We humans have amazing abilities to fight this disease.

  • 12joelowhoma
    12joelowhoma Member Posts: 5 Member

    I think I had targeted radiation with lumpectomy. But remember my surgery & treatment was 20 yrs ago. A LOT has changed. After surgery my drs insisted I lose weight with a healthy, non-acidic diet during treatment , no alcohol & NO "I feel sorry for myself sweets" During treatment I made ALL my appts. some exercise. Since the surgery I've had an annual mammogram. Yesterday the Breast Cancer Ctr. ask me to replace a cancelled appt. I did. I am cancer free-no remission or anti-cancer drug.

  • 12joelowhoma
    12joelowhoma Member Posts: 5 Member

    Yesterday the Breast Cancer Ctr. called & ask me to fill in for cancelled appt. I did. I don't have cancer-no remission or anti cancer drugs. I was told during treatment to lose weight, "No to "I feel sorry for myself sweets",no alcohol,healthy non-acidic diet. I've kept my down which was very important . I remember no lymph gland but no receptors. I think. It was 20 yrs ago.

  • ARod111
    ARod111 Member Posts: 5 Member

    Update to my post:

    My surgeon let me know that the DCIS did not show up on my tests and that it can be tricky to spot. My tumor was spotted on the first mammogram that I ever had, so from now on she will be ordering my mammograms and they'll be looking for any and all abnormalities. She also pointed out that while the area that had DCIS seemed large, it is not the same as having a tumor that big (not all the ducts have cancerous cells). It seems from the testing after the lumpectomy that they got everything, but that is why I need the radiation. Also, my genomic testing came back showing low risk of return, so no chemo for me!!!

    It still stresses me out a bit, but I am trying to focus on the fact that now we know what to look for. That the treatments and medicine are helping, and that stress won't be helping. I'm still working on it, but I am grateful for the blessings I do have.

  • SheWarrior2X
    SheWarrior2X Member Posts: 1 *

    Sending you positive energy! Keep your head up. It is all so much to absorb and understand. Ask any and all questions!