Chemo pill vs pump and how to support body for lessening treatment side effects

iron9nadin Member Posts: 6 Member


I've been recently diagnosed with stage 3, 2"rectal tumor, 2cm into the wall, 7 lymph nodes inflammed, at the top of the rectum. I'm headed in for my 3rd biopsy tomorrow to get pathology results to give us a proper plan moving forward. I turned 40 in March, First noted symptoms April this year, found tumor early June.
(first two biopsy were "too shallow" resulting in "non-cancerous", but she's obviously there and growing)

Surgeon: due to location and size, recommended chemo/radiation to shrink tumor before surgery.

So far, chemo doc talk: 6mo of dual chemo, (Folfox was mentioned). One part infusion, other part is my choice: pill -every day or pump - few days on and then off for a bit. I'll know more of the plan on Aug 7. There is a choice for me, and I'd like some personal feedback from folks who've gone through it to help my decison. My guess, the pump offers a high dose and then time off to let immune system build back up before the next high dose. Might feel like **** for a bit and then have a stretch of more function before next treatment. For the pill, is it a dose that kicks you down and feel like **** every day for the whole time.

How did the PILL or PUMP version effect your day to day function and immune system?

How is best to suppport immune system during treatment to offset the negative side effects in the day to day and long term. I'm doing juicing (gerson therapy), some protein sources, supplements and no fiber to prevent blockage.

Thanks so much!


  • SnapDragon2
    SnapDragon2 Member Posts: 719 Member

    What does your bloodwork look like?

    What supplements are you taking right now?

    For me, pills are way better than the ole ball and chain pump. The pump was such a pain in every way.

  • brneyedgirl
    brneyedgirl Member Posts: 1 *

    I did oral (Zolax). Now I'm doing the take home bubble. I call it my buddy. On on my 3 chemo of FolFuri (?) I'm sure there will be more side effects I will have 8 cycles total. Oral consisted of early rise breakfast at 5am. Pills thereafter, to be taken 12 hrs apart. Side effects dizziness, light nausea, neuropathy in feet, hands & tongue. They added benadryl to my infusion which helped with tongue. Still have Neuropathy in feet which affects my balance. Some constipation and also diarrhea. Taste buds were affected, some of my favorite foods I couldn't eat. After treatment ended my taste buds went back to normal.

    Now I started next chemo treatment. My consists of Monda bloodwork, meet with Dr or nurse to go over labs. Tuesday go in for infusion about 3 hrs. Sometimes they add hydration at this time sometimes not. They send me home with my bubble buddy which I carry in fanny pack under all clothing. Made the mistake of wearing it on outside 1st time boy what a mistake that was

    Got it caught on chair, thank God I didn't break hose. We would have had a mess. We were sent home with hazmat kit in case it leaked. Wear the bubble for 48 hrs. Thursday go back to disconnect & more hydration. So far been feeling good. But that could always change.

    I feel I had more side effects with oral. And Neuropathy has not gone away, which is no fun

    Sorry for being lengthy. But thought I'd share what I could remember. Best of luck