CT scan says the following..

MGB2 Member Posts: 8 Member

LUNGS: Redemonstration of a posterior right lower lobe subpleural nodule measuring 9 cm, and a linear bandlike opacity likely representing scarring in the posterior middle right lower lobe, which are both stable from prior.

My question is are lung nodule's measured in centimeters?



  • eDivebuddy
    eDivebuddy Member Posts: 108 Member

    They can be. But a nodule can not be 9 cm . Nodules in the lung are 3 cm or less.

  • dan077
    dan077 Member Posts: 1 Member

    my CT scan says 9cm mass not nodule

  • eDivebuddy
    eDivebuddy Member Posts: 108 Member

    A lesion is generic meaning anything that looks abnormal.

    A mass is any abnormal growth of tissue. It can be it benign or malignant.

    A Tumor is the same definition as mass but generally only used when looking for cancer.

    A nodule in the lung is 3 cm or less. This does not apply to all parts of the body. A nodule on your thyroid gland is usually always a nodule regardless of size. A nodule in your brain is a calcium deposit and never cancerous.

    In the lungs mass and tumor are generally only used for lesions larger than 3 cm.

    But it's not incorrect to call a 2 cm lung lesion a mass.

    Calling a 9 cm lung lesion a nodule is incorrect .

    I think the cm is in error but you need to ask your doctor or the radiologist that read the scan. Dictation isn't always the most reliable.

  • Gemini84
    Gemini84 Member Posts: 1 *

    Well mm are smaller cm are bigger,I have 8cm one in my lung and a 4mm in my brain

  • lenachase
    lenachase Member Posts: 5 Member

    Yes, lung nodules are typically measured in centimeters. The size of a lung nodule is an important factor in assessing its significance, as larger nodules may require closer monitoring or further evaluation.