Stage spread to many parts of my body stage 4

Mary1313 Member Posts: 4 Member
edited July 2024 in Breast Cancer #1


  • Mary1313
    Mary1313 Member Posts: 4 Member

    About 31 percent alive at 5 years I was told I have this cancer in Jan of this year 2024. Are there others with the same as myself? Mary 1313

  • RocDocVic
    RocDocVic Member Posts: 150 Member

    What type of breast cancer do you have? Is it hormone positive or negative, HER2 positive or negative? If it has spread and you are a stage 4, where did it spread to? No one can comment if you don't provide this information.

    Are you currently receiving treatment? Have you had surgery yet?

  • Mary1313
    Mary1313 Member Posts: 4 Member

    Yes I am new to all of this,not to cancer. This is the third time, 1999, 2014, Jan.2024. It is breast cancer stage 4 it has metastasize and spread to my blood,lump nodes,lungs, stomach,and bones. I am taking treatment a infusion called Zoledronic Acid injection along with 1pill everyday Letrozole 2.5MG that is my treatment for the past 6 months with blood tests.So far lungs and lump nodes are shrinking, CP Scan looked good.God is with me..…Mary 1313

  • Mary1313
    Mary1313 Member Posts: 4 Member

    I would like to hear from others with what I have and where you are with your treatment s.We can learn from each other, we have Hope,..…Mary1313

  • kpage33
    kpage33 Member Posts: 1 Member

    I am stage 4 breast cancer that spread to my left knee.send hope to me too if you can

    LIYAH Member Posts: 13 Member

    I'm so sorry to hear about your stage 4 breast cancer diagnosis and the challenges you're facing. I was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer in 2019 and all I had was God to pray to and no support from anyone, but this virtual platform. Please know that you're not alone, and some people care about you and want to support you.

    Sending you love, hope, and positive vibes! You are stronger than you think, and your body is capable of amazing things. Keep pushing forward, even when it's tough.

    Remember, every day is a new chance to fight, to hope, and to heal. You got this!

    Here are some encouraging thoughts:

    You are brave and resilient.

    You have a support system that cares about you.

    There are treatment options available to help manage your cancer.

    You are doing the best you can, and that's something to be proud of.

    Keep shining your light, even in the darkest moments. You are loved, you are valued, and you are worthy of hope and healing.

    Sending you a big virtual hug! Stay strong, stay hopeful, and know that you're not alone in this fight!