Metastatic Papillary thyroid carcinoma

Nfilas22 Member Posts: 2 Member

My husband has been diagnosed with metastasis papillary thyroid carcinoma in October 2023. He has undergone thyroidectomy and neck dissection (8 hour surgery!). 20 out of 30 lymph nodes were cancerous. He has had 1 treatment of R-131. His thyroglobin has been consistent and never elevated. So, clearly this is NOT a good indicator if cancer has came back. Finally just got the doctors to come to this realization after 6 months! He has had a CT and PET Scan in no cancer only in the neck. However, he is so sick!!! Extremely exhausted, nausea, can't eat, losing weight, short term memory loss, etc. No one will listen!!! We finally got through this week, he had a gastrointestinal appointment along with neurology. He recently found a lump in his armpit. He got an ultrasound yesterday. It is described as well-defined,
heterogeneous ovoid solid mass. The radiologist claims it may be lipoma.Given his history, shouldn't it be checked out further??? It is growing at a rapid rate! How can anyone to listen before it has spread more???? Anyone with advice. Please help!


  • LauPutz
    LauPutz Member Posts: 4 *

    Hi, Have you found out anything? I would want better attention paid to him after all he's gone through.

    I pray all is well .


  • Nfilas22
    Nfilas22 Member Posts: 2 Member

    Doctor has not called yet. They biopsied the tumor and it came back with Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. Just waiting for confirmation and the next stages, which will be months.....I have been advocating for him since August 2023. It's so frustrating when no one listens to your concerns and now he has another type of cancer that is progressing quickly.