Stage 4 OCCC

Rayneff Member Posts: 1 Member

My wife was diagnosed with well I guess stage 2 or 3 at the time cancer. (May 3rd, 2024) After seeing the oncologist the following week and them gathering a team to plan how to go about the process. We were told the masses were in the lower abdomen and the oncologist was pleased to see the spleen was in good shape. an important detail there for later

The 3rd week of May we meet with the gyn-onc doctor and they said that it appears to be ovarian clear cell carcinoma or OCCC. The thing with clear cell cancer is it grows extremely quick and does not respond to chemo. Their course of action was an immediate complete hysterectomy. When they opened her up (May 21st, 2024) they found the mass had attached to the spleen and a portion of her stomach.

Her surgery went well, and the hospital visit was a week long.

She just received a CT scan a few days ago and here we are now June 21st, 2024. We just got the pathology test back and it's some super rare form of cancer that sounded like "yoke" esomething. The scan showed it has metastasized to her liver and ny wife wanted to know very bluntly from the doctor her realistic life expectancy.

The doctor said that her cancer being clear cell which doesn't respond much to chemo and the fact it metastasized before chemo could begin, that she thinks 1 year would be the best outcome.

There is a lot of emotions swirling around today after the news and there is a lot for me to have to think about going forward with her care and potential end of life plan. She's already made all her final plans for towards the end. There's just so much happening and going to happen that it's just all so overwhelming.


  • rdubins
    rdubins Member Posts: 26 Member

    Oh, no. No, no, no. I'm so very sorry you two are going through this. What a gut-wrenching prognosis. Sounds like you and your wife wanted and needed the unvarnished truth… I would, too. This is a terrible disease, it's relentless. I find myself without adequate words, other than you have the gift of time. I haven't been given that news yet, but I know I will, eventually. Please keep coming back here, it's a safe place to vent your feelings, your emotions, your trauma. We're all in this club that nobody wants to join. Sending love and care to you both - Ruth

  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,476 Member

    Oh Rayneff, I am so sorry to hear what you and your wife are going through. Is there any genetic testing done to see if she has any markers the do respond to immuneotherapy? dMMR, POLE, p53 ? Ask the gyn onc about this.

    I cannot imagine what you are feeling and how your worlds are spinning. I stopped to say a prayer for your family.