Osteosarcoma Metastases to Lungs

chadlfields024 Member Posts: 1 Member
edited June 12 in Bone Cancers #1

My wife was diagnosed with Osteosarcoma in her right upper arm last August. She went through 6 rounds of chemo and limb salvage surgery. A CT scan determined that it had metastasized to both lungs. She had 13 spots in her left lung and around 20 in her right lung. These were tiny sub centimeter nodules that were barely picked up on the CT scan. The chemo was very effective and the tumor that was removed from her arm showed greater than 98% inactive after the chemo. She underwent surgery on her left lung to remove the nodules. 13 nodules were removed and the biopsy showed they were all dead from the chemo. Scans after 3 months show no new growth in either lung. Our Lung Surgeon is advising that we not do surgery on the right lung as it is most likely that all of the nodules are inactive and she would be doing unnecessary damage to her lung. Looking for advice if we should seek a 2nd opinion and push for surgery on the right lung and any other advice that someone who has been through this before can give. Thanks!