Osteosarcoma Metastases to Lungs

chadlfields024 Member Posts: 4 Member
edited June 2024 in Bone Cancers #1

My wife was diagnosed with Osteosarcoma in her right upper arm last August. She went through 6 rounds of chemo and limb salvage surgery. A CT scan determined that it had metastasized to both lungs. She had 13 spots in her left lung and around 20 in her right lung. These were tiny sub centimeter nodules that were barely picked up on the CT scan. The chemo was very effective and the tumor that was removed from her arm showed greater than 98% inactive after the chemo. She underwent surgery on her left lung to remove the nodules. 13 nodules were removed and the biopsy showed they were all dead from the chemo. Scans after 3 months show no new growth in either lung. Our Lung Surgeon is advising that we not do surgery on the right lung as it is most likely that all of the nodules are inactive and she would be doing unnecessary damage to her lung. Looking for advice if we should seek a 2nd opinion and push for surgery on the right lung and any other advice that someone who has been through this before can give. Thanks!


  • peppysuzy
    peppysuzy Member Posts: 11 Member

    how is your wife doing now

  • bigdreams
    bigdreams Member Posts: 6 Member

    I’m so happy the chemotherapy helped! I’ve been so scared of if one of these times I’ll have to decide about chemotherapy. But this really helped me see it positively. A second opinion is always a good idea when you are undecided. Wishing you and your wife the best.

  • lenachase
    lenachase Member Posts: 5 Member

    I'm sorry to hear about your wife's situation. Here are some key steps:

    1. Second Opinion: Consult another specialist for additional insights.
    2. Discuss with Surgeon: Understand the reasoning behind avoiding surgery on the right lung.
    3. Multidisciplinary Review: Have her case evaluated by a team of specialists.
    4. Clinical Trials: Explore available clinical trials for her condition.
    5. Monitoring Plan: Ensure regular scans to monitor her condition.
    6. Support Groups: Connect with others for support.

    Keep communication open with her healthcare team. Wishing you both strength.

  • chadlfields024
    chadlfields024 Member Posts: 4 Member

    Thank you guys for the post. Here is our latest update. We just had scans 10 months past finishing up chemotherapy. No new nodules and no changes in the existing nodules. Great news! The existing nodules in her right lung appear to all be calcified and are 2-3mm in size. Our plan is to continue to monitor every 3 months. If we do see new nodules or growth in the existing nodules we plan on seeking a 2nd opinion at Sloan Kettering in New York. Feeling blessed and praying that scans continue to show no evidence of cancer.

  • peppysuzy
    peppysuzy Member Posts: 11 Member

    my son in law 34yo starts his 1st very very aggressive round 1 of chemo for a rare form of ewing sarcoma today so of course i’m super worried about him unfortunately i don’t see any current ewing stories on here to talk to anyone one about so i will be praying for you both

  • chadlfields024
    chadlfields024 Member Posts: 4 Member

    Thank You! I will pray for you as well. Where is he getting treatment?

  • peppysuzy
    peppysuzy Member Posts: 11 Member

    he’s having his 1st treatment today at shands in gainesville

  • ccincotta
    ccincotta Member Posts: 2 Member

    My 30 yr old son was diagnosed with Osteosarcoma in his right humerus in January 2023. After a 16 hour surgery in May of 2023 that replaced his shoulder and humerus with a steel rod he endured 6 rounds of chemotherapy ending in January 2024. In January 2025 images showed the Osteosarcoma metastasized to his lungs. He is at Cooper/MD Anderson in Camden. Docs are incredible and on a good path of treatment. Went to Sloan Kettering and Fox Chase this week for consultations. All docs agree with path of treatment. Tumors must be surgically resected for best prognosis. If seeking a 2nd opinion at Sloane Kettering Dr Damon Reed is who you want to see. Prayers for all cancer patients and their caregivers. Sarcoma Foundation of America SFA has amazing resources.

  • chadlfields024
    chadlfields024 Member Posts: 4 Member

    Prayers for your son. May I ask what the treatment plan is for his lungs? Did it metastasize to both lungs? How big were the tumors?

  • ccincotta
    ccincotta Member Posts: 2 Member

    Thank you for the prayers. Sean is 2 chemo drugs for 6 cycles. 1 week inpatient, 2 weeks off is 1 round. The osteosarcoma metastasized to both lungs. Biopsy removed 2 tumors, and they believe that there are 5-7 remaining. The biggest ones are ~2cm. Plan is start round 2 next Monday, get scans and hopefully surgically remove tumors in one lung. 2 more rounds, scans and remove tumors in other lung. Give the final 2 rounds of chemo to finish. Dr. Reid at SK insistent that all tumors must be surgically removed. Hope your wife is doing well and will keep her in my prayers.