Diagnosis stage … (takes some time doesn’t it)

RodgerM Member Posts: 63 Member
edited May 28 in Prostate Cancer #1

Hi, wish I wasn’t here , but I’m back .. I hand Hpv head and neck cancer 3 years cancer free . 62 y/o
6 weeks ago , having intense acute lower urinary track symptoms. Possible uti , went to urgent care test strip was positive but cultures all negative , was given some antibiotics and sent home . Few day later went to the urologist and told him my symptoms he gave me alfuzion and told me it takes weeks to start working, meanwhile my symptoms persist, the worse symptom is the need to pee all the time but when you go nothing , hesitancy , intermittent, retention, weak stream, dribbling.

Decided to see and another urologist a group of doctors a more comprehensive services .

This urologist saw me and ordered a MRI, and did not address my symptoms ( still intense ). Family history and 3.7 psa . 2 week later mri comes back with pirads 4 2 .7cc lesions as well as mild appearing BPH with a 21 cc prostate size .. No other incidentals noticed.
Saw the uro about the results and order Biospy , again not addressing my symptoms and now I’ve been on the meds for 4 weeks with very little improvement. B

Meanwhile, before the biopsy decided to see a con concierge type doctor. Spent some time with him and we switch meds to flomax and added a low dos of Cialis. After my first dos of cialis , symptoms started improving and I felt like I could jion the living again .
2 more weeks and biospy was done , was t as bad as I imagined . Went home was experiencing some retention and the sensation to pee was like we were starting all over again, I was just starting to feel better . A few hours later things started resolving and the next morning I was much improved .

Symptoms seemed to have improved even more , I would say I’m about 70% to where I was before this actute event started . I can stand up to pee again .

I’ve also started seeing a psychiatrist and therapist to help me deal with this period of life, had lost 15 lbs was depressed, unmotivated , and full with anxiety. H

So 8 weeks have passed, pending biospy results.

I looked into many different treatments but at this point until I know the results, not much more I can do but wait.

Sorry for the long post, but wanted to give a view into the process I’ve been thru so faR.

Thank for listening , appreciate this forum , it’s helpful knowing your not alone , and the life experiences help you with yours !


  • jc5549
    jc5549 Member Posts: 57 Member

    so you had a biopsy……

  • Marlon
    Marlon Member Posts: 84 Member

    Every case is different. My urologist made clear to me that my BPH and PC were not connected.

  • Old Salt
    Old Salt Member Posts: 1,467 Member

    We hope that the biopsy won't show anything significant and that your symptoms will continue to improve.

    When will you get the biopsy results?

  • Steve1961
    Steve1961 Member Posts: 605 Member

    PSA is 3.7. Well that’s low. That’s a good thing. Also I had radiation about six years ago and it tore me up after the fifth treatment. I couldn’t pee at all just like you dribbling painful and the Flomax worked for me instantly I don’t know if you’re taking the Flomax. and if you’re not taking it, try it …..as far as depression and anxiety nobody had it worse than me anxiety I couldn’t sleep couldn’t focus, I was heaving my guts out. Ant started taking Lexapro milligrams a day within two weeks. I had my anxiety and my life back and I’m still taking it and it does not make me feel weird. I hope this helps and good luck with the biopsy.

  • Steve1961
    Steve1961 Member Posts: 605 Member

    ok i had radiation treatments for PC 6 yers back after my fifth or six treatment I could not pee at all very painful weak stream just like you the minute I took Flomax. I was fine absolutely fine. I don’t know if the Flomax work for you. You mentioned that in Cialis if you’re not taking a Flomax, I would definitely, try that. As far as anxiety is concerned, I don’t think anybody had it as bad as me heaving my guts out. Could not focus on anything no sleep didn’t wanna leave the house. I reluctantley started taking Lexapro 10 mg and within two weeks. I had my anxiety under control. It was like a miracle I can control it now and I have not stopped taking it. I hope this helps and I hope your biopsy comes back negative .

  • RodgerM
    RodgerM Member Posts: 63 Member

    Thanks, few more days and I’ll have my results. I got on some meds for anxiety too.

    Just started so they take time to work I think.

  • jc5549
    jc5549 Member Posts: 57 Member

    Hang in there,

    Look forward to hearing the biopsy results.