Mid-chemo CT scan question

jillfromGA Member Posts: 11 Member

Hi everyone. I’ve completed 3 out of 6 chemo cycles and my CA125 continues to trend downward but my CT scan is unchanged. How is that possible? I was so certain I’d see at least SOME tumor shrinkage so I’m feeling very disappointed and concerned…has anyone gone through this?

Quick background:

Dx: uterine adenocarcinoma stage 4b with Mets to omentum and peritoneum

CA125 3/25: 3476 5/23: 378

BRCA 1 mutation on genetic testing

Treatment: carbo-taxel /dostarlimab


  • Forherself
    Forherself Member Posts: 988 Member

    Not the news you were hoping for but as I read your post I am encouraged that your tumors have NOT grown, which is possible. I don't know how long 3 cycles take. You are receiving chemo and immunotherapy. I did read about dostarlimab. Can you ask your doctor about expected shrinkage? You seem to have had all the genetic testing done which is helpful. Did you find Takingcontrol information helpful? Are you doing that too?

  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,397 Member

    While the carbo/taxol is a realitively 'short' (six - once every three weeks) treatment, it looks like the dostarlimab can continue for (at least) up to two years, and the intent of the immuneotherapy will 'boost' your immune system. Have you asked your doctor if this what they have seen or read from the studies for a response?

    Hugs dear

  • MoeKay
    MoeKay Member Posts: 481 Member

    Here is a link to an April 2024 article from MD Anderson Cancer Center that you might find somewhat interesting. https://www.mdanderson.org/cancerwise/how-long-does-it-take-chemotherapy-to-shrink-tumors.h00-159696756.html

    While only discussing chemotherapy, not a chemo-immunotherapy combined treatment like you are on, the article contains a section, "Scans don’t always tell the whole story about tumor growth."

    Wishing you the best as you continue your treatment!

  • heyrayray
    heyrayray Member Posts: 3 Member

    Hi Jill -

    I hope you are managing chemo ok. Have you had a chance to discuss scan results with your doctor yet? I am on T/C/ Keytruda and while 3 month scan showed improvement in tumor sizes the next one was read as stable. My doctor (he looks at scans himself) did not agree with the radiologist report and said I had continued to make progress. I have also noticed differences in different radiologists reading scans- some are more detailed while this particular one just said “stable.” I was ok with stable as long as there were no increases noted but relieved when my doctor showed the before/after images on a split screen so I could see the progress. I hope your doctor is also able to relieve your anxiety.