The mental part of it

joannmunsell Member Posts: 2 Member


I am 64 and have been healthy (except fertility issues) up until ovarian cancer diagnosis in December. Had full hysterectomy and lymph removed in January. Started taxol and carbo in February. I just completed 5h treatment and will have my last June 6.
I am really beat today. Can barely climb stairs. I hope to feel better tomorrow. I have pain in groin area too.

I’m already stressing about ct scan next month and the 125 marker. How do you live after chemo and remain positive?


  • Susan13a
    Susan13a Member Posts: 7 Member

    I recently finished chemo (at least for now). I'm visiiting from the colorectal board so the chemo was different from yours but I think there's enough similarities to be relevant. Chemo is cumulative and each treatment was a little more difficult than the previous. The later treatments were much worse than the first. As the chemo clears my system now I am gradually feeling better and stronger. It is a very slow process though.

    I find focusing on the next steps (surgery for me)as well as the things I want for my future helps. I have my bad moments, times when I cry and the whole cancer stuff overwhelms me. I try to be gentle with myself and refocus on what I can do about the situation as soon as the mood begins to pass. Hopefully this helps. My heart goes out to you. My sister is also fighting ovarian cancer.

  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,546 Member

    dear joann, I hope you do not mind that I address you with this name, or that you mind I am a visitor from the uterine/endometrial board. (I like to think we gyn warriors need to stick together).

    I would ask that you be kind to yourself. You are putting your body through a lot to beat the beast and it is just a lot. I would ask the doctor about the groin pain, but I had the explanation of the pain in the inner thigh (groin area) from the lymph nodes taken. It does get better, and you will look back amazed that you were able to get through it, it just can be overwhelming. Again, I would just reach out.

    As for the mental part, yes, it take time. Every blood draw result or every check in, my blood pressure was always up. It is less now, but after 11 years, it has taken time.

    Sending you warm thoughts, and remember REST is RESTorative, so don't fight it. Use it to heal. Hugs.

  • joannmunsell
    joannmunsell Member Posts: 2 Member

    thank you very much for response. Yes, I need to take it one day at a time. I’m so sorry about your sister.