Greeting to all brave souls here

annie1234 Member Posts: 2 Member

I am new to this site. 57 year old. had last menstrual period at age of 55 and became menopausal at 56. 19 months after last period started having spotting. contacted my GYN dr and had TVU. It was found to have no fluid but 5.18 endometrial thickness. i am going to be scheduled to have hysteroscope with biopsy. I am scared what could it turn out to be? my husband's sister died within 6 months of getting diagnosed of cancer and she was having heavy bleeding. I am healthy otherwise. I feel only negative factor in my case is late menopause. what you all think from you experiences what are my chances of getting cancer? i understand i have to go thru testing but waiting is killing me


  • Forherself
    Forherself Member Posts: 1,010 Member

    Welcome Annie1234. It IS very scary to wait for a biopsy. Our minds just seem to go to the worst case scenario. Only one in 10 biopsies are positive for endometrial cancer, but it is a worry you might be that one. It is also more likely to be a slow growing kind of cell. Your sister in law was not the average endometrial cancer case. I'm so sorry to read about her disease. I tried to keep busy while waiting. It sounds like your doctor is doing the right thing. I hope your wait is not too long for the biopsy. You are young and that is in your favor. Let us know if we can help in any way.

  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,476 Member

    hi Annie1234. Waiting is one of the hardest parts. As Herself pointed out, lots of things in your favor, but more importantly you listened to your body and got it checked out immediately.

    Please be sure to let us know how it goes and what they find out. We are here to help with the next step, if necessary, when you know.

    Try to breathe.

  • MoeKay
    MoeKay Member Posts: 488 Member

    Hi Annie,

    Good luck with your upcoming biopsy. I hope by now it has been scheduled, that you don't have to wait too long for the procedure, and that your results are benign! As those before me have said, waiting is the absolute worst!! Let us know when you'll be having the biopsy and how you make out. In the meantime, I think keeping as busy as possible helps a bit with the waiting.

    Wishing you all the best.

  • annie1234
    annie1234 Member Posts: 2 Member

    Thank You forherself, MoeKay and Notimeforcancer for responding and for your support.

    So far I have not heard anything on my appointment. Dr's TVU notes said that someone from office will be calling to schedule for hysteroscope and biopsy. I will wait for couple of days before reminding them. I hope everything goes well. i am still spotting off and on. I will keep you all posted on this forum.

  • ConnieSW
    ConnieSW Member Posts: 1,688 Member

    I hope you have gotten your appointment scheduled by now. Waiting is so hard.