Rest Of The Journey

TheresaFrances Member Posts: 3 Member

I was diagnosed with stage 4 Ovarian cancer about 6 months ago. I was not a candidate for surgery and was found to be chemo refractory/ resistant. Although I know everyone’s journey is unique ( to some degree), I’ve been told my life expectancy is about a year. Is there anyone out there that has gone or “walked- with” someone on this road? Doctors are people and don’t want to worry me. Because of this fact, they don’t want to talk about the future. I would love to get a sense of how long I’ll feel good. I’m sure there are general stages in a timeline. I’m familiar with end of life stages.


  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,546 Member

    TheresaFrances, first let me say I'm so sad to hear this and I applaud your bravery.

    I am not sure what family, friends or support network you have, but my mother was dx with breast cancer, really didn't tell us, but chose not to have any treatment, which we respected. Fortunately, since we kind of 'knew', my sisters and I made sure she got whatever she wanted. Part of that is understanding someone's choice, or in this case, no choice of treatment. I suspect you don't want to start hearing about the power of asparagus and going to different places, but 'be'. That is usually very hard for others.

    I would suggest looking at papers or plans and getting in order what you want. My mother wrote her own obituary, and specific instructions on when it could be posted, and what she wanted to wear. We respected all of it and don't think she had any objection to accordian music from our cousin's spouse as she always told us it was 'happy' music.

    I am not trying to make this about me, I am just trying to explain it should be about YOU. You are in a place to decide things and that is very powerful.

    I learned a lot in the journey with mom, and hospice is not the last two weeks, it is something you could (may already) have. Be aware though, there are many people who want that hospice money so multiple people will be vying for your interest! Maybe someone who really knows hospice can chime in, as that is just my experience. Hospice should be to make you comfortable, and that can be this entire time.

    My heart hurts for you dear. Hugs.


  • TheresaFrances
    TheresaFrances Member Posts: 3 Member

    Thank you. You are very kind.

  • Yosefa
    Yosefa Member Posts: 13 Member

    I am very sorry to hear this and I hope that you may find some peace, love and beauty, and presence in your future moments ❤️❤️❤️.

    As you say everyone's road is different and various circumstances/stages dictate what we may or may not be able to do.

    I know it will be hard for you to remain on an even emotional plain, and you will have ups and downs, but if you can try to be as positive as possible and notice the little things that bring joy in life. Such as flowers blooming; children laughing; noticing promising young people on the brink of adulthood; sweet interactions with others, both loved ones and strangers; enjoying small kindnesses towards and from you; the unconditional love and adoration of pets; walking amongst natural beauty and noticing how wonderful it all is; writing your thoughts down, crafting, art, reading, music, indulging all your senses, etc. Remember to laugh and dance every day.

    These are some of the things that tend to strike me more now, and I try to turn towards positives.

    Thinking of you warmly,


  • TheresaFrances
    TheresaFrances Member Posts: 3 Member

    Thank you Ingrid. I will stay positive