Recently Diagnosed

kmervi14 Member Posts: 5 Member
edited May 2024 in Lung Cancer #1

Hi. I am 50 years old and I recently learned I have cancer in 4 areas. I am amazed how slow the medical field is but then I have no patience. I came here to get advice and help me keep sane. I am reading posts. I am not handling the news very well. I am not sure how long I have had the cancer but I was sick for 10 weeks with numerous tests until I rushed to ER and after 5.5 hours of testing, one lump was found in lung. CT and PET scan later found a total of 4 areas (lung, chest, lymph node under right arm and bone in spine). The Dr estimates stage 4 due to how much it spread. First set of biopsies were scheduled 3 weeks out but due to a life flight to a hospital to get my heart tapped, a pericardial effusion that went undiagnosed, they did biopsies now. Waiting is killing me. I cannot stop crying. I don't even want to be around family and friends. How do you process this news? How do you move on with life with all the "what ifs"? Do I make plans for future or make end of life plans?


  • kmervi14
    kmervi14 Member Posts: 5 Member

    Does everyone go through the "why me" stage? How do you get out of it?

  • kmervi14
    kmervi14 Member Posts: 5 Member

    I read another topic on here and realized my topic is more like a blog/vent of my journey. The last 36 hours have been a whirlwind. I'm not being very talkative to friendsandfamily. My depression is in hyper mode processing all this. I don't want to leave my house. I don't want to be around anyone. I can't seem to stop crying. I'm exhausted and scared. I want to believe I'll kick this, but the "what ifs" are overwhelming. I know what I must do, I just don't want to do it. I'm sure everyone goes through these phases. Just had to vent. Sorry.

  • ronashavon
    ronashavon Member Posts: 2 Member

    I was 45 when first diagnosed. 7 years later I’m thriving. The wait is frustrating but trust in your higher power. You got this 💪🏾

  • eDivebuddy
    eDivebuddy Member Posts: 89 Member

    Waiting does suck. It's better than when everything is an emergency though. I was diagnosed July/August 2020 . Mets to my liver, neck, brain, skin, and more lymph nodes than you could count. September 1st was I waiting for my biopsy genetic results. September 2nd I was having an emergency Craniotomy and emergency chemotherapy. Thing were happening way faster than I could educate myself

    Today I'm in full remission. A little worse for wear but I enjoy life. I didn't Tell my parents until I had to. I didn't tell my friends for months. They shouldn't offer counseling. Xanax can help with sleep.

    Can't know the future, but lung cancer is not nearly the death sentence it once was. While it's still one of the deadliest cancers, it has become more manageable and mentally like myself who would have been written off, are now living years cancer free after a death sentence.

  • kmervi14
    kmervi14 Member Posts: 5 Member

    Thank you ronashavon your encouragement. Talking and reading posts in this community has helped calm my nerves somewhat. Trusting my higher power is a struggle for me but I'm working on it.

  • kmervi14
    kmervi14 Member Posts: 5 Member

    Thank you eDivebuddy for encouragement. I agree emergency decisions stink. Drs think my pericardial effusion is a result of what cancer is doing to my body and May 7th I was life flighted to hospital to get it drained. Too much excitement for me. I'm hoping biopsy results are less dramatic. I would also like to get 2nd opinion. Reading posts on here really have calmed me. I do plan on calling Dr on meds. I already take meds for anxiety/depression and may need to change. Sending prayers.