PC health cost

Steve1961 Member Posts: 644 Member
edited May 2024 in Prostate Cancer #1

so I just had Salvage surgery and PSMA scans and biopsies and the whole 9 yards.. surgery was one night in the hospital at UCLA the whole thing was $59,000. PS MA scan back in July $46,000 biopsy $17,000 MRI $12,000 every video visit I had with all the different doctors no more than twelve minutes six hundred to a thousand dollars each visit, makes you wonder if they really do want to cure you sad to say and I hear that different types of hormone treatments. If you have to take a pill every day, somebody told me it was about $600 a pill.


  • oldspice
    oldspice Member Posts: 58 Member

    Well Steve, I agree you may be on to something. Medical and Military Complex are both one and the same. Sooner or later us pawns will always eventually pay the piper. Don’t ever think you got coverage for free but happy you are doing better.

  • Steve1961
    Steve1961 Member Posts: 644 Member

    dont get me wrong i am grateful as heck i have 2 insurances..but what about the folks that dont or have liusy insurance its criminal

  • Oldernow
    Oldernow Member Posts: 51 Member

    Also wondering what someone with no insurance does when confronted with these ridiculous bills -

    I just received a summary of my last year expenses - MRI, PSMA Pet Scan, 28 Prostate Radiation treatments, two Lupron injections, various doctor visits (urologists and radiation oncologist) -

    My Medicare was billed $300,878.88 😲

    My Medicare only "approved" $35,094.63 😳

    My Medicare only paid $26,033.47 🤨

    My "out of pocket" was the difference - $3,700.00 💲

    The differences between what was originally charged and what Medicare and I finally had to pay is mind boggling. What happens to those who have no insurance to negotiate payments for them??

    Thankfully my PSA remains undetectable. Will continue to monitor over the next couple of years…

  • frank1956
    frank1956 Member Posts: 19 Member

    Oldernow, is yours original Medicare, or Advantage plan?

  • Oldernow
    Oldernow Member Posts: 51 Member
  • oldspice
    oldspice Member Posts: 58 Member

    It always amazes me what the charges are and then what was accepted and then what you pay. The whole system is corrupt when it comes to the money part. Who is controlling all the numbers? Deck of cards. Govt, Insurance providers and Big Pharma control it all and they are all in bed together. Just be happy they throw us a bone once in a while.

  • 51coupe
    51coupe Member Posts: 4 Member

    Doctors could not make it if they only had medicare patients.