CLL & an Enlarged Spleen - Treatment and What to expect??

smschier Member Posts: 1 *

My husband has CLL and has been on "Watch and Wait" for about 10 years. His Lymph nodes go up and down in size but now he has an enlarged spleen and the doctor wants to start treatment. He is worried if that is a drastic step or necessary or what to expect? Does anyone have any advice or suggestions or what to expect? She said he has 2 options, the first being injections once every 3 weeks, then once a month, then once every 2 months and pills for the last 2 months of a year; or option 2 was to take a pill for the rest of your life with no guarantees. She said she would pick option 1 because it could put clear it up enough to give you another 10 years. This is all happening so fast and so new to us. Just want to make sure we're doing the right thing. My husband, Jamie, is a very active man and has a very active high stress job and he is 65 but we can't afford for him to retire and because of his age, he does not qualify for LTD. What to do?????