Elevated PSA

shaomingming Member Posts: 4 Member
edited February 2024 in Prostate Cancer #1

My PSA rises quickly recently. Table below is my PSA history


Date               Value             Free PSA       % of Free PSA

2/15/24       5.43               0.96               17.7%

1/9/24          4.2                  0.9                  21.41

11/21/23     4.20               0.8                  19.04

11/14/23     4.80                          N/A

2/27/23       2.15                          N/A

7/2/20          2.00                          N/A

My MRI PIRADS = 2 (12/15/2023)

Prostate size

MRI result (12/15/2023) 4.7 x 5 x 4.1 cm (length x width x depth), calculated volume: 46 mL

Ultrasound (7/25/2023) 4.9 x 5.5 x 4 cm (length x width x depth), volume 56.85 mL

I am going to see my urologist tomorrow. Likely he will prescribe biopsy. What questions should I prepare for my urologist? Why my prostate size measures are so different? My only symptom is 1 to 2, or more times nightly piss. What is the possible outcome? Do I likely to have cancer? Should I have a second opinion?

I live in New Jersey.




  • shaomingming
    shaomingming Member Posts: 4 Member

    I take Tamsulosin, 2 capsules a day.

  • Clevelandguy
    Clevelandguy Member Posts: 1,276 Member


    The medication Tamsulosin is commonly used by people who have Benign Prostate Hyperplasia (BPH). BPH can cause your PSA to increase. Do you have BPH? A Pirads2 signifies a low risk of cancer from what I understand. Did the MRI show any suspicious areas that could be cancer? Will your Urologist use the MRI results to guide his biopsy? Only the biopsy will determine if you have cancer and also grade the cancer for its aggressiveness. Report the results here from your biopsy and we can help you understand what the biopsy results tell you. Good luck?

    Dave 3+4