Open Partial Nephrectomy Complications

PBibza Member Posts: 5 Member

I had a open partial nephrectomy back in May of 2023. Very invasive. Had a rib removed and my kidney had to be reconstructed. I had a rough recuperation but slowly made progress. After 12 weeks I was back to work part time and after 5 months back full time. The problem I am having is that shortly after the 6th month mark I became swollen on the side of my surgery and my entire side because painful. My surgeon has no idea what could be going on. Says my blood work all looks good. I don't know what to do. I am constantly swollen and in constant pain . I get exhausted easily and don't have much strength. I thought that maybe I was having a reaction to foreign materials used during the procedure . Possibly the mesh holding the kidney together or maybe the multiple plugs used to control bleeding?? Again, the surgeon says no. I have an upcoming appointment with a new urologist and a nephrologist. Hoping to get some answers. Just wondering if anyone out there who has dealt with Renal cell carcinoma and had an open partial nephrectomy may have gone through something similar in terms of post-surgical complications.


  • eug91
    eug91 Member Posts: 471 Member
    edited January 2024 #2

    Hi PBibza-

    I don't have specific advice for you, but everyone's recovery is different. I'm sorry you're going through this. Sending you positive wishes that hopefully your doctors will be able to figure it out.