MITF gene mutation and Cutaneous Malignant Melanoma and Renal Cancer Questions

StephAmbler85 Member Posts: 6 Member

Hello my fellow survivors! I am officially as of today... 6 years remission from clear cell Renal Cell Carcinoma! Of course, stage 1, 3CM tumor on lower right kidney diagnosed November 2017 thinking I had a gallstone. I had an open partial nephrectomy because my mass was close to the renal vein. I just did genetic testing because of fear for passing it to my children. I have MITF genetic mutation, and it can raise chances of Melanoma, and cc Rcc. My family has had Melanoma removed. I am the only one who has been diagnosed with kidney cancer on my dad and Mom's side of the family. I was diagnosed at 32 with 3 CM tumor from clear cell renal cell carcinoma. I'm 38 now. I have at least 30 dark brown moles all over my back, torso, neck and face. Has anyone with the MITF gene mutation have had RCC at a young age or CMM at a young age as well?