Mucoepidermoid intermediate

spvetoreti Member Posts: 4 Member
edited January 2024 in Head and Neck Cancer #1


poderia me ajudar? Meu esposo está passando pelo tratamento de mucoepidermoide intermediário e gostaria de ter notícia sobre como é lidar com o tratamento, se existe cura


  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,507 Member

    Lo siento, spvetoreti, este sitio está en inglés, ¿sería posible que usted hiciera su publicación en inglés?, gracias. Sé que la gente de aquí estará encantada de ayudarte si pueden. Cuídate, Dios te bendiga Russ

  • spvetoreti
    spvetoreti Member Posts: 4 Member


    Would you help me? My husband is undergoing intermediate mucoepidermoid treatment and I would like to know what it is like to deal with the treatment, if there is a cure

  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,507 Member

    Hello, spvetoreti, I think I may have tried to answer this in another thread you were on. I have not had it myself and have no direct experience with it but I found a web page from Cleveland Clinic with lots of info about it.

    You say he is undergoing immediate treatment, what is the treatment he is getting and what is the prognosis from the doctors as to the success and longevity from the treatment?

    Here is information I found on the page from Cleveland Clinic...

    Management and Treatment

    How is salivary gland cancer treated?

    Surgery is usually the best treatment option for tumors that can be safely removed. If a tumor is growing fast or if it’s spread to other parts of your body, your healthcare provider may recommend additional treatments.

    Treatments include:

    • Surgery: Surgery is the primary treatment for malignant salivary gland tumors. In addition to removing the tumor, your provider may remove your lymph nodes (lymphadenectomy) if they suspect the cancer’s spread there. After surgery, you’ll likely receive radiation therapy to kill any remaining cancer cells, so the cancer doesn’t return.
    • Radiation therapy: Radiation therapy uses a machine that directs radiation toward the part of your body with cancer cells, destroying them. Photon-beam and neutron beam radiation therapy are two types of radiation therapy used to treat salivary gland cancer. You may also receive radiation as a part of palliative care. Palliative care provides symptom relief and can improve your quality of life.
    • Chemotherapy: Chemotherapy uses drugs to destroy cancer cells. You may receive chemotherapy if your cancer has spread from your salivary glands to other tissues outside of your head and neck.

    Your healthcare provider may recommend that you participate in a clinical trial. A clinical trial is research that studies the safety and effectiveness of new treatments. These treatments include:

    • Immunotherapy: Immunotherapy uses drugs to help your immune system identify cancer cells and fight them. Researchers are studying the role of a specific type of immunotherapy called checkpoint inhibitors in fighting metastasized cancer.
    • Targeted therapy: Targeted therapy uses drugs that target weaknesses in a cancer cell’s genetic code (DNA) to destroy the cancer or stop it from growing. Researchers are studying the effectiveness of targeted therapies in people with adenoid cystic carcinomas that have metastasized.
    • Radiosensitizers: Radiosensitizers are drugs that make cancer cells more sensitive to radiation. Research is ongoing into how radiosensitizers and radiation therapy can help with salivary gland cancer treatment.

    Depending on your cancer, you may receive a combination of treatments to remove the cancer and prevent it from growing back (recurring).

    Outlook / Prognosis

    Is salivary gland cancer curable?

    Most people recover fully from salivary gland tumor treatment if the cancer is diagnosed and treated early. Your prognosis will depend on factors like:

    • The tumor’s size.
    • Whether the cancer’s spread.
    • Whether the cancer has recurred.
    • Which salivary gland contains the cancer cells.
    • How abnormal the cancer cells appear when viewed with a microscope.
    • Your overall health status.

    What is the survival rate of salivary gland cancer?

    Cancer survival rates reflect research that tracks how many people with a particular cancer diagnosis are alive over a period of time, usually five years. With salivary gland cancer, survival rates depend on the type of cancer. For example, the survival rate for mucoepidermoid carcinoma ranges from 75% to 90% at five years. The location of the tumor matters, too. If it’s only in your salivary gland, the survival rate is 94%. The survival rate is lower if the cancer’s spread.

    Here is a link to the complete article...

    I hope this helps in some way.

    Take Care, God Bless
