If You Had A Glossectomy or Laryngectomy Or Both Find Help Here-Glossectomy Girl Website

wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,507 Member
edited January 2024 in Head and Neck Cancer #1

I am not sure how I happened upon this woman's website but I have looked through it and I believe there are many helpful sections here for those on here who have had a Glossectomy or Laryngectomy Or Both. In fact this website is loaded with information and resources. This woman has had both and she goes on to live a full life and wants to help others do the same.

Glossectomy Girl...


I am a 52-year-old architect, mother of two extraordinary young women, married to my college sweetheart, business partner and love of my life, for 26 years. Avid reader and fiber arts hobbyist. Total glossectomee and laryngectomee.

At the top of the page, you can click on Home to get back to the Home page or click on About or Blog and they are both full of help and information even on obturators. And if you mouse over Vocalization or Nutrition there are drop downs to give you choices such as Recipes, Voice banking, Vocalization apps and Vocalization Tools to name a few. There is also available at the top of the page Instagram, Lingo, and Resources. Quite a loaded and helpful website for folks who have had a Glossectomy or Laryngectomy Or Both.

Glossectomy Girl...Home Page...https://www.glossectomygirl.com/

Glossectomy Girl...About...https://www.glossectomygirl.com/about

Glossectomy Girl...Blog...https://www.glossectomygirl.com/blog

Glossectomy Girl...Vocalization...https://www.glossectomygirl.com/about-5

Glossectomy Girl...Nutrition...https://www.glossectomygirl.com/general-7

Glossectomy Girl...Instagram...https://www.glossectomygirl.com/general-1

Glossectomy Girl...Lingo...https://www.glossectomygirl.com/about-4

Glossectomy Girl...Resources...https://www.glossectomygirl.com/general-7-1

Introductory Greetings Home Page to give you her ideas...


a girls field guide to life

as a glossectomee + laryngectomee

When I found out, in December of 2021, that I had an adenoid cystic carcinoma tumor at the base of my tongue and would need a total glossectomy and laryngectomy within weeks...well, I was shocked. terrified. horrified. 

It didn't take me long to start googling the heck out of what my life would look like 'after'. I have to tell you, I didn't find much. The information was scattered. Often clinical. I accidentally came across horrifying images of the procedure itself - no thanks, I'm good. I really had no idea what my life would really look like, what the lives of others might look like. I've been learning as i fumble through this new journey.

I hope you will find this site informative and perhaps entertaining. 

​I hope this helps our members and many others.

Wishing You The Best

Take Care, God Bless


Our Motto On Here is NEGU (Never Ever Give Up)

And as Crystal always said... "No matter how you feel, Get Up, Dress Up, Show Up, and Never Give Up."
