Happy 2024 to all of you!

Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member
edited January 2024 in Colorectal Cancer #1

I know that people are often scared to approach Cancer patients, around times of joy and celebration.

What do you say? Do you wish them a "Happy New Year?" Aren't they in for the ride of their life, literally, and isn't it going to be all pain and sorrow?

As a survivor, who has 'been there and done that', I was glad when people wished me a Happy New Year, like they believed it was going to be happy and I was going to live. I needed people around me, who thought that.

I wish you all a HAPPY 2024. While it will come with all the challenges that a Cancer diagnosis, brings, it can also be filled with joy and happiness - even if you have to stretch or push to find it, sometimes.


  • oldbeauty
    oldbeauty Member Posts: 379 Member

    Thank you, Trubrit, for the greetings! Yes, it was strange, visiting with the neighbors early NYE, sitting there with my secret, not wanting to chill the good vibes with the truth about what we are facing. But I remain optimistic that I will be back on my feet to enjoy the upcoming year following surgery. I have a second opinion consult tomorrow and expect to choose my surgeon and hospital afterward, and be scheduled for surgery within the new few weeks. The CT was clear and I am otherwise reasonably fit and healthy. I will get through this and adjust. Life is good. Happy New Year. Best wishes, Oldbeauty

  • Canadian Sandy
    Canadian Sandy Member Posts: 784 Member

    Happy New Year to you Sue! Hopefully it will be a good one for all.

  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member

    Yes, it is a hard thing to do; sitting, watching everyones joy, knowing that your own future is in jeopardy.

    I hope all went well, with your second opinion, and that you are on your way with a plan of action.

    Keep us in the loop.
