APR Surgery

tynjad Member Posts: 2 *
edited January 2024 in Colorectal Cancer #1

Had rectal cancer and underwent chemo, radiation, surgery (anal resection with ileostomy) and then ileostomy reversal. Cancer came back within a year and tried brachytherapy internal radiation, but unfortunately the cancer grew back on the areas not treated by brachytherapy. At this point all doctors unequivocally suggest APR due to the localized aggression displayed by the cancer. On a positive note, the cancer shows no signs of metastasizing, yet. Which is why they all want it cut out of me now before it gets worse. I will lose a complete abdomen used to fill in the cavity left after the removal of lower intestine, rectum and anus. Has anyone had a similar surgery as the one I am scheduled to have and if so, any advice on what to expect? I have spoken with my doctors, researched the internet, read many articles relating to APR surgery so I have knowledge in mind from paper, but we all know the difference between what doctors tell us and what's written in books as supposed to the actual experience of a procedure. Any suggestions or advice would be appreciated. Thank you.


  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member

    Hello, and welcome.

    I am sorry for your diagnosis, especially since the Cancer decided to pop back up again.

    I know we have had members who have had an APR, and I hope that some of them may pop on the forum, to offer their words of wisdom. All I have to offer, is welcoming you to the forum, and wishing you well.
