Cyberknife + PMSA = Prostatectomy + Node Biopsy

grattman Member Posts: 6 Member
edited January 2024 in Prostate Cancer #1

I won’t consider Lupron, Why do it if post Cyberknife I get a PMSA PET scan to confirm intracapsular eradication and clean nodes. If the nodes are cancerous either way I will need systemic therapy. In addition, the PMSA agent that is specifically absorbed and lights up on a scan, also has a therapeutic analog. The therapeutic is the same agent with the affinity for prostate cancer but a therapeutic Radioisotope that is deadly with minimal travel outside the attachment to the cancer cell. I have worked in the nuclear medicine area, is there anyone posting on “Pluvicto”? Targeted prostate cancer specific absorption and destruction is creating quite a buzz.
